Hello my friends, I’m back with you today to celebrate yet another sponsor of the upcoming 2018 Writers’ Conference and Book Expo, W.J. Scott. Let me introduce you to her book and story. I hope you check it out. I know you’ll enjoy it very much.

Sometimes loss is the only thing that saves you.
Last summer during the dreaded hunting season, Kywah lost his tail, his magic, and his value as a silvertail. Now the hunters have returned and he’s terrified. Especially when he recognizes Samsa, the very hunter that cut off his tail, and ruined his life.
But when the pack becomes trapped in the foothills with no escape, Kywah realizes he’s their only hope. Without a tail, he’s worthless to the hunters and their wizard masters. If he can escape, he can find help for his pack. All he has to do is locate the Wise One and retrieve the Deep Magic.
Which would be hard enough even if he still had the magical tail sense his kind are born with. But what choice does he have? If he doesn’t take the risk, his pack will lose everything. And because Kywah knows exactly how that feels, he can’t let it happen.
I woke. Heart beating too fast. Darkness smothering me. The same nightmare.
shifted and felt the familiar throb of pain along my stub, which always
ached when I first awakened. For an instant I tried to fool myself that
it had only been a dream, but when I was brave enough to peek, I saw
the empty space where my tail should be. Almost four seasons had passed,
and I was still unaccustomed to its loss.
I have read this book, and it is a great story for children. It teaches all the values we adults should have. Please follow the 2018 WC&BE SPONSORS BLOG HOP There you can meet all the wonderful authors and readers in our group. I recommend you join our group if you’re searching for tremendous support and fellowship.
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