My friends, it seems we have made it to the end of the 2nd Annual RRBC 30-Day Blogging Challenge. Hooray! Let me also congratulate the others who have joined in this challenge (all Rave Reviews Book Club authors): Nonnie Jules, Pat Garcia, Wanda Fischer, and Joy Lilley. I cannot overstate the rigor it takes to create new content every day for thirty days in a row. When you check out today’s posts later, please congratulate each one on their dedication to the writing craft.
As noted, all of us are writers. That is not the same as writing something to say every day. At least when I am writing, I rely on my muse to help me along the way. My muse is pretty busy, but her grace does not come on command.
As well, two of the participants live in Europe, so that adds another complexity. They have to finish their posts early to meet the posting deadline each day. All of our content has to be new, so we cannot simply copy something we said before.
But that is enough about those issues.
For me, tomorrow is my day to continue working on my other stories that are in the hopper. Too often, my stories take on lives of their own. I get side-tracked and suddenly do not even realize what I wrote. All I can do is shake my head, locate the spot where I lost control, and delete everything after that. Then I have to plan and write the story I had intended to tell. If that sounds difficult, you are correct. However, it is critical. Whenever I start a story, I have a plan in my head for what is going to happen and how the story will end. That original intent can never be forgotten. If I let it takes its own direction, it will be a mishmash which neither the reader nor I can understand.
I am hopeful that my next stories will be liked. I would love to be a best seller, but that is not my ambition. I only want to explain the world in my own words. Perhaps some people will connect with that, and my story can make a real impact, even if that impact is just a smile when they reach THE END.
I believe all authors feel that way too. We all want others to read our stories, and we all hope someone’s life can be better, or at least a little happier due to our words. In this crazy world, a little happiness is a great thing. The happier people are, the better the world will be for all of us.
If you have a story to tell, do not keep it a secret. There are people out there who would benefit from your words. A word of caution though. Writing a rough draft is hard enough, and that is just the start of the process. If you stick with it, you two can reach an audience and just maybe make a difference in the world, or just one person’s life. That should be enough. I wish you all the best.
Since this is the final day, please note all the author’s names I mentioned, and check out their stories. You just might discover your next favorite author. That would be great, wouldn’t it? Click the link below to connect to all the authors in the challenge. You will not be disappointed.