Today is World Storytelling Day. I hope that does not apply to politicians, as most of what they do is storytelling. I will assume we are speaking about writers and playwrights, etc. The people who really tell stories.
My first comment goes to everyone who has planned to write a story but never finished it. I learned this long ago, but happened to see a Facebook meme online two days ago that is all new writers need to know. You already know the author.
I cannot recall where I saw or heard that before, but it is golden information. Others have told me they tried to write a book, but constantly went back to tweak this or that. That never works. You will end up in a spiral of rewrites long before you write THE END. The end then never comes. I think it is a shame, but then again, there is less competition for eyeballs if others quit. Obviously, there are so many writers out there who have published that we do not immediately stand out.
I have another dear friend whose father started a very successful personal protective device company. He asked me if I would help write his story. Of course I said yes. I still have not heard or seen any information for me to start with. That is another issue with new writers. You wait to gather all the information before you start. Then, you never get all the data you want, and the project goes cold. I know both the father and the son very well. The father is now 82 and I do not know if it will ever happen. That’s a shame, as I worked for that company for fourteen years (through multiple acquirers). They completely changed the earplug market.
Perhaps I am specially blessed. I never seem to run out of ideas for the next book. Too often, I stall somewhere in the middle. If the muse does not guide me, those shells of stories sit helplessly on my laptop. As I have mentioned before, I am working to resurrect some of them now. In my case, sometimes the story takes control and I lose track of where I was originally headed. Maybe that happens to you too.
I also recall a book file from a woman in Spain (I think). She hired a translator, who was terrible. I could not understand half of what was going on. I let the author know the problem, but never heard back.
Perhaps the writers in the Rave Reviews Book Club are especially blessed. There are always new stories to read and review. Still, part of me goes back to those others who tried, but could not complete what had been their dream. Imagine the incredible stories we have missed. If you know other writers, give them a pat on the back, and Stephen King’s advice. Truer words have never been said. I wish you all the best.
Thank you for reading my post. I hope something I wrote can help you write your next great novel or nonfiction book. In your free moments, please check out the posts by the other authors taking part in this 30 Day Blogging Challenge. You will be overjoyed. To go there now, just click the link below.