Monthly Archives: July 2024

My Latest Novel Has Been Published!

My latest book focuses on lost souls. These are the people who felt undeserving of salvation, and ended up in Hell instead. Some may have been terrible people, but most were just fearful of repenting for their misdeeds, or had been convinced by demons to settle for much less than they deserved.

The protagonists in the story were the ten members of a weekly group session with a renowned psychiatrist, Dr. Joshua Adams. Each person in that group had unique talents that might help end the torment of the lost souls. The main character, Simon Jacob Connor, had always felt he could see the other side by turning his head quickly enough, although he had never succeeded. He quickly becomes close to all the members, but especially to Kelly Forrest, another fourteen year old in his school. While she could not sense the other side, she often could see the spirits of the dead.

Soon, our hero is taken to Hell by demons. Their leader, Lucifer, knows Simon’s capabilities and is desperate to stop him from succeeding. His friends and family work to save him, but Satan will not relent. Before the end of the story, Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Lord God will be involved. There is constant action, and the situation goes from bad to worse. Hopefully, success will be achieved before Simon and the others are lost in the Evil Realm forever.

The book is currently available on Amazon Kindle. A paperback version will also be available soon. I hope you will check it out.