Sometimes You Just Have to Sit Back and Shake Your Head
There is still a part of me that wants to opine on the news daily. I do my best to ignore it all. Every poll tells the same story: No one trusts the media; No one trusts the government; Hollywood is slowing dying as they put diversity above talent; Biological men are competing in women’s sports; Schools pass everyone so no feelings are hurt; Our universities are graduating kids with no marketable job skills.
Fortunately, I know many people who are fighting back. Sure, many Americans are legal gun owners, but that does not mean an armed revolution. No one wants that.
So for now, I sit back and shake my head. I pray for the nation that created the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. Some believe these are obsolete documents written for a time far in the past. I guarantee those people have never read either document. In fact, the Constitution is very short. Anyone could read it in just a few minutes. All it does is establish the structure of government, period. That has lasted over two hundred and twenty years.
The one thing I know is that fads come and go. Remember pony skirts and tie-tied shirts and Disco? Where are they now?
We have had many great presidents, Congressional leaders, and Supreme Court justices. Just not today, although Clarence Thomas is my pick for the greatest current Justice.
Think about Franklin Roosevelt, our only four-term president. His presidency started out poorly as the Depression deepened when he came to office. Then came Pearl Harbor. FDR rallied our country and led us to defeat the Japanese and Germans.
We can never forget Abe Lincoln, who saw us through the Civil War after the South seceded. At the moment of his greatest triumph, he was assassinated.
Then there was Jack Kennedy, who in his inaugural speech told us: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for our country.” He too was cut short by an assassin.
Also remember Ronald Reagan, who caused the collapse of the Soviet Union, leading to freedom for Eastern Europe. He also ended the rampant inflation caused by his predecessor.
I have faith that future presidents like them will right the ship of state. They will require the assistance of the Congress and all of us. I wish it would happen today, but that is not possible.
In the meantime, I guess I will continue to sit back and shake my head, with full faith in God and the American people to fix what has been done to our great country. I hope you live in a state less messed up than mine, and that we all will live our lives as our Founders intended.