Category Archives: New book releases

Two weeks from today!

Heartstone: The Time Walker will be released in fourteen days! I hope  you’ll take a look. You can preview 20% of the book for free right now on The e-book version is priced at only $2.99 for the first two weeks after release. Then it will go back to the normal e-book price of $4.99. The link to the book’s page is shown below, and thanks for your readership!


Cover art for The Time Walker

TimeWalker-ebookcoverHere is the cover for my latest book, Heartstone: The Time Walker, which will be available in print and e-book versions on October 15, 2013.

This story is very different from the first book in the series. The Time Walker is a dark tale of revenge and the desperate attempts of a black mage to return to power. Keedu, leader of the mages, joins with an ancient evil to go back in time to keep Bill Marshall from ever gaining the power of the Stones.

The scene depicted on the cover occurs near the end of the book as Osphalon the Demon attempts pull the life-force from Bill Marshall’s body.

The book will be available for preorder on most e-book sites in the next few days. The e-book will also be available at a bargain price for a week or so beginning on the release date. Please check it out. I think you’ll enjoy it.

The Time Walker- Chapter One

Attached to this posting is a PDF of the first chapter of Heartstone: The Time Walker, which will be released on October 15, 2013. This chapter sets the stage for the wild ride that follows. It will be available in print and virtually all e-book formats. Please let me know what you think.


If this sample piques your interest, you can preview more of the book on its Smashwords page, which you can find at:

Please be a fan of Smashwords. They offer all e-book formats and provide an outlet for new writers like me. If you are an author, please consider them to publish your e-book. They also act as an aggregator and can get your book on many bookseller sites.

I will be posting the cover image of my new book later this week (although you can find it on Smashwords now, and on many other sites in the coming days).

The Time Walker is coming soon!

OsphalonI have seen the cover art for the newest Heartstone novel and it should be finalized very soon. Bill Marshall must struggle to save his family and own life as Keedu seeks to avenge his defeat in Sentinels of Far Sun. It is a dark tale where evil seems to be winning at every turn, and our friends must suffer and cling desperately to hope that the stones will help them. Time travel plays a critical role as Keedu and Osphalon change history to defeat the Candu Mali Siwa.

Heartstone: The Time Walker will be released in print and in various e-book formats simultaneously (I hope). I will post another note when the release date is confirmed. Thanks again for your readership!

e-Books are Everywhere!

Poster-LoRez1 (2)Thanks again to my new alignment with Smashwords, e-book versions of my works are available virtually everywhere e-books are sold. Several are already listed on Apple’s iBookstore and on Of course, all of them are available in many different formats at, so head over there to find your favorite books (mine or other authors) to work with any reader or computer out there. And if you are aspiring author (like me), make them your first choice in e-book publication.

I’ve updated the Where to Buy page on this site to share relevant information and links. To jump directly to my Smashwords Author Page, the link is:

Thanks again for your readership!

Tears of Gallia on Smashwords

Tears-ebookcover (2)Great news! My latest book, Tears of Gallia, Book 4 in the Dave Brewster Series, is now available on Smashwords. Soon it should also appear on Kobo and Apple as well as other sites. I hope you will check it out. Here is a link to the Smashwords book page:

Now on!

My books are starting to appear on the Kobo e-book site. If Kobo is your e-book seller of choice, you can now find Showdown Over Neptune and The Second Predaxian War on their site tonight! Thank you! Check them out at

All my published books should be available there in the next few days.

Free Kindle Version of Tears of Gallia!

Tears-ebookcover (2)To help me celebrate the completion of the manuscript of The Accord, you can get a free Kindle version of Tears of Gallia this weekend! Just order it on Friday, July 26 through Sunday, July 28, and it won’t cost you a thing!

Tears of Gallia is an epic adventure, leading Dave from Gallia to beyond the edge of the galaxy. He will face death yet again, and be stranded on a mythical planet in the ancient past.

Tears of Gallia is about hatred and revenge, time travel, and most of all, love and brotherhood. Be prepared to visit incredible planets and experience the history of Greater Gallia. It also introduces The Accord, a race of machines bent on enslaving all of the universe. After you read it, please let me know what you think, and please write a review on this site, Amazon or


New Dave Brewster Novel

Hooray! I just finished the rough draft of book 5 in the Dave Brewster Series of Sci-fi novels. The working title is The Accord, which relates to a villain encountered in the previous book (Tears of Gallia), and not a very reliable Japanese import car.

The Accord examines how our fears can cause us to do terrible things. In order to protect themselves from a perceived threat, the people of Skee Lotho create a race of machines powered by human brains. The separation of man from his senses will eventually change his perception of others and the universe at large, in this case leading to incredible evil.

Of course, the counter-plot is the story of how Dave Brewster and his friends develop their plans to stop The Accord before all of our galaxy is taken over and our worlds and bodies are reduced to simple sources of metal and protein.

The manuscript is now out for editing and review. I need to come up with a cover design and work with my artist on that. So, it will be several weeks before the new adventure is available. I hope you’ll stick around to learn more and check it out. Join the Adventure!


Osphalon the Demon

OsphalonAllow me to introduce you to Osphalon Balakak, the worst of the villains in my new book, Heartstone: The Time Walker. He looks like a real sweetheart, I know. Who would think this guy is bad? And before you ask, no, I was not the model for his face.

In Tears of Gallia and Time Walker, I wanted to explore the dangers of time travel into the past. In Tears, other mysterious forces acted to stop changes to the past and preserve the reality that existed before the change. In Time Walker, no such entities exist, and fixing the changing course of time becomes the job of those few who can recall reality before the change due to their extreme experiences at that time. It is up to those few who do remember to try to stop the evil doers from achieving their sadistic goals. Our hero, Bill Marshall, is not so lucky. He must face the new realities and try to save his family at every turn, until fate and his friends can turn the tide against Keedu and Osphalon.

As soon as the cover is complete, I’ll post this entire image. I hope you will enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thanks for your readership.