Category Archives: Uncategorized

A New Direction?

I have a bit of a backlog on getting new works to print. Heartstone: The Time Walker was just released on October 15, 2013. At this point, my primary concern is with my graphic designer, Ron Calica. Ron moved back to the Philippines a few months ago for financial reasons. Now he is dealing with the second major typhoon to hit the region and has dealt with the aftermath. He is a great talent and I really hope to help him find other authors who need his talents with cover design. Baruch Hashem for him to overcome the current problems and find what he needs.

Ron just sent me a new cover for my next work, entitled The Accord, which is the fifth book in the Dave Brewster Series of sci-fi novels. This novel is unique, centered on how our friend, Dave Brewster, deals with a society of cyborg planetoids out to take over our galaxy.

Following that book are two new novels, tentatively entitled The Two Doors and Prophecy, which are based in our own time. Both deal with young men who are inspired by the Divine to see the future and have to learn to deal with that knowledge of what will happen.  The Two Doors is in the can waiting for cover art and editing. Prophecy is being written as part of NaNoWriMo, the National Novel Writing Month, where aspiring authors like me  are encouraged to write a 50,000 word novel during the month of November. Trust me, that is not a problem, however, most of my works are 80k to 110k words in length.

Do you think I’ll make the quota? After one week, I’m at 18k words?, which is more than the 50k per month pace. Please make a donation to to support the work of this important group. I am considering posting the new chapters of Prophecy to this website if you all think that would help get the word out. Please let me know what you think. Please comment on this thread or e-mail me at with whatever you want to say.

My new books focus more closely on what I believe, as a man of faith. I am very interested in what you think of my works. Today and tomorrow are great days to say what you want me to hear. God bless you and our great country.

What a year it has been!

It looks like The Time Walker will be the last of my books to be published this year. But that’s okay! I have already finished the drafts of two more that will come out early in 2014, and a lot more ideas up my sleeve. These books were released this year:

The Dave Brewster Series

  • Second Predaxian War (book 2)
  • The Hive (book 3)
  • Tears of Gallia (book 4)

Heartstone Series

  • Sentinels of Far Sun (book 1)
  • The Time Walker (book 2)

For 2014, The Accord, book 5 of The Dave Brewster Series, will be out early. As I noted in an earlier post, I’ve taken all of craziness of NSA spying scandal and the takeover of the economy to the extreme, as the leaders of a Nan planet make themselves immortal by putting their brains inside machines. Over time, they become more machine than man and turn on the people they had sworn to protect. Now, they are planning to invade and enslave our galaxy. It will be up to Dave Brewster to stop them.

Shortly thereafter, my newest book, The Two Doors, will be released. This book will either be the start of a new series, or may stand on it’s own. It is very different from my earlier works. It is the story of a young man who graduates from college and moves to NYC to find his fortune. Peter Smith has a little problem though. He has terrible nightmares that have started to come true. The story moves very fast as the world begins to spin toward total destruction, and Pete is caught between two powerful families that seem to have unworldly powers. I’ll write more about it soon.

Finally, I would like to say how happy I am that The Hive received an Honorable Mention (tied for 3rd place) in the General Fiction category at the Southern California Book Festival. To celebrate, I’m giving away another ten copies on Go there and look for the contest and sign up. Also, all four books of The Dave Brewster Series will be test marketed at Barnes and Noble stores around the country. Thank you for joining me on this incredible adventure. Below is the link to the giveaway.

Honorable Mention for The Hive

HIVE-ebookcover (2)The Hive (book 3 of the Dave Brewster Series) has been given an Honorable Mention at the 2013 Southern California Book Festival. I am very happy to have been recognized by this organization.

This was the fourth book I wrote and it evolved into a re-creation of the history of mankind, and led to an unbelievable journey to another galaxy where Dave learns that even though our technology and science continue to improve, our desire for control over others and power may not be overwritten by altruism and humility.

As Dave and his fleet travel across the Andromeda Galaxy, they find greed, racism and tyranny can only be defeated by facing them straight on, and being very lucky.

To celebrate this recognition, I’m planning on promoting The Hive again. If you have any ideas on how to spread the word, post a response here or e-mail me at

Here is a link to the contest’s website:

August Microstory

I have mentioned the Science Fiction Readers, Writers, Collectors, and Artists group on LinkedIn for the last couple of months. If you’d like to see what new writers are up to, you should definitely join the group. You don’t have to write anything, and you can enjoy the free stories each month. If you would like to try your hand at writing, please join us and submit your story. It is really fun. Following is the story I just finished for the August contest.

 Unnatural Harmonics

The day they arrived was neither the disaster authors had imagined nor the scientific boon academia had suggested. Massive starships hung like cumulonimbus high in the atmosphere, casting surreal shadows over the Earth. The ships were not metal military masterpieces, but instead were soft, gelatinous blobs that seemed incapable of traversing space. Millions panicked, while most prepared for the inevitable Armageddon when the aliens landed.

Yet the ships just hung in the sky for days, turning into weeks without activity. “What are they waiting for?” became the most common phrase spoken. After the third week, people tried to get back to their lives, since they had to work in order to eat. After five weeks, life resumed its natural course, even while governments tried to find solutions to the situation.

It was early on a Tuesday in the eighth week when something changed. Small moss green vessels left each starship and landed in the center of every large city. It was noon in San Diego when odd figures emerged from ships. They looked human, but very tall and thin with green skin and moss-like hair. The aliens walked away from their ships and stood waiting while crowds formed around them. The same scene played out everywhere. Where it was night, lights were set up. Where it was raining, free umbrellas were handed out.

At 2:00PM San Diego time, the aliens spoke in the native language of each city. “First, we need to apologize to you,” the alien said. “What has happened here is our fault and we freely accept acknowledge our responsibility. It was probably inevitable that you would enlist unnatural harmonics in your desire to learn and grow. But now we have discovered it, and are here to fix the damage.”

“I don’t understand!” shouted a voice from the crowd. The alien walked over to the young man standing just behind the barricade. “What have we done wrong, and who are you to tell us to change?” the man asked.

The alien laughed out loud. The glint in his eyes and the teeth in his mouth seemed completely human. He reached out his green arm and touched the man on his shoulder. “What is your name?”

“My name is Dave Brewster.”

“Hello Dave. My name is Pando Krakus, and I suppose I am your brother,” the alien replied. “We colonized this planet long ago. On my planet, people evolved to look like me. On this planet, humans evolved to look like you. There are many human species in the galaxy. The one thing we have in common is our refusal to allow unnatural harmonics.”

“What does that mean?” Dave asked.

Pando frowned. “Look around you!” he shouted, waving his arm at the skyscrapers around them and the concrete they stood upon. “You have corrupted Nature’s sacred balance. These structures were built with unnatural harmonics and must be eliminated. It is an atrocity to subject this globe to such acts.”

“But these are our homes and places of work!” shouted a woman from across the circle. “Where shall we live? How can we survive?”

Pando walked back to the center of the circle, as a deep guttural rumble began. “The natural harmonic you hear will continue for several rotations, continually gaining volume. After the third rotation, the harmonic will be powerful enough to disassemble the unnatural harmonics. I suggest you use that time to distance yourself from these things. We cannot protect you if you stay here. Once the natural balance is returned, we will return to help you.”

An old woman standing next to Dave Brewster screamed and fell to her knees. Dave knelt next to her as she clamped her hands over her ears. Dave yanked her hands free and pulled out her screeching hearing aids, which dissolved into dust in his hands. “You can’t do this to us!” he shouted at the alien.

“Leave the city now! Your atrocity is at an end,” Pando snarled as he pushed his way through the crowd and boarded his vessel which lifted off noiselessly and headed back into the sky.

July Microstory

Dear Friends,

I have submitted my latest microstory for the Science Fiction Readers, Writers, Collectors, and Artists group on LinkedIn. You should really check that group out and sign up if you’re interested in the genre. It’s worth it for the opportunity to read all the microstory submissions alone!

For July, the guideline was to focus on something that in the news right now. We also needed to mention summer and mosquitoes. As always, the story has to be 4,000 characters or less, which is LinkedIn’s maximum for a single posting. I’ve been reading the other stories almost every day, and it’s amazing how good they are. I am fascinated by the breadth of styles and the imagination of these authors.

My story focused on the NSA leak and micro-drones, plus I couldn’t help but put myself into it. It is attached to this post, and I hope you take the opportunity to read it and share your thoughts with me.

Here it is:  SaturnProtocol

That Can’t Be True, Can It?

It hit me just after I woke up today. My books, like most sci-fi or fantasy books, have a lot of non-scientific things going on. Whether it’s the many alien races or Universal Power in the Dave Brewster Series, or traveling the universe through a portal inside a Heartstone in the Heartstone Series, the reader has to accept the alternate view of reality in order to keep going forward.

What coalesced in my mind this morning was that the truth is usually stranger than fiction. Following the latest trends in quantum physics and cosmology is my hobby. That’s weird too, I know, but bear with me a minute.

According to physics, matter is almost entirely empty. If you could enlarge a typical atom to the size of a tennis court, the nucleus (which holds virtually all the mass and material) would be the size of a grain of sugar in the center. Therefore, matter is really open space. The couch I am sitting on is almost entirely not there.

On the other hand, according to quantum physics, the vacuum of empty space (the entire universe less the galaxies and their stars and nebulae) is not empty at all. It is a seething caldron of massless particles (or strings) that pop in and out of existence continually. Therefore, emptiness is really fun of stuff.

Now perhaps the empty space in an atom is also a seething caldron. In any event, empty is full, and full is empty. And that’s science! I wish I’d come up with that theme for one of my books!