The Crazy World Where We All Must Live
It is a great time to be a writer, especially in the nonfiction, science fiction, and dystopian genres. Perhaps thrillers too. As we become more and more interconnected, we see ever more craziness around us and throughout the world. As borders blur due in general to political choices, the bad stuff that infects other nations ends up here too. I suppose it is only fair that our personal version of zaniness crosses those borders as well.
Sometimes, a person has to wonder when this will end, or if all civilization will collapse into a morass of violence, crime, and authoritarian regimes. In Canada, the government declared Martial Law over a traffic jam. Reasonable people used to believe Martial Law was reserved for foreign invasions or eminent threats from foreign actors. China is using their Road and Belt policy to take over other governments and install their personal choices. I know that has happened in Ethiopia and in currently in progress in Brazil. The governments are complicit, as their pockets are being lined with cash.
Our friends in Europe have eaten so much of the Climate Change narrative that people may freeze to death this winter as natural gas and heating fuel are eliminated. I honestly want this world to be as clean as possible, but national leaders viewing their citizens as necessary collateral damage is unacceptable.
Consider this tidbit from the US Government: In 2021, 80% of our electricity was generated by fossil fuels and nuclear power. Climate activists want to eliminate both, immediately. So, where will our electricity come from?
If you are in full agreement with the Climate Change group, that is fine. I do not care about your personal or political views. They are your choices. Good for you.
Being a finance guy, my mind goes immediately to the numbers, which is why I write this. What will this (or any other) country look like with 20% of the electric power we had in 2021? In my state of California, our governor wants to eliminate gas stoves and has already passed a law that new cars sold in the state starting in 2035 must be electric. Wow, that is a lot more demand for electricity that we do not have.
I am all for solutions. That is what finance guys do. If rational minds developed a plan that would fix all of this in 5, 10, 20, or 200 years, I would say great!. So far, it is nothing but blather about how the world will end if we do not do what they say, with or without a plan to return to normalcy.
Why we or other countries allow this kind of silliness is beyond me. If there is not a solution, I guess we are just supposed to give in. Sorry. That is not what intelligent people do. That is what puppets do.
Again, the zaniness has to stop sometime. I wish it was today, but that is unattainable. I keep hoping a real solution appears soon. True science, which means peer-reviewed findings, is the only antidote for the zealots on both sides. I fear we will be waiting for some time.
A solution that brings balance would be wonderful!
Yvette M Calleiro 🙂
You make so much sense, Karl. I wish more people did. Like pushing for electric vehicles and at the same time eliminating electricity. Huh? I have hope that one day soon, in the blink of an eye, everything will change. Wishful thinking? Or Faith?
Patty, that’s a great thought, but I don’t believe many elected officials rely on God. It was not so long ago when all were front and center with their beliefs. How the world has changed in just a few decades. It’s unbelievable. Unfortunately, too many of them worship the cash they receive from their lobbyists and campaign slush funds. That needs to change, but only the voters can demand that.
Karl–My niece just told me a couple of days ago that she learned on Tic Tok that it’s the U.S. Army that’s causing climate change, that they’re using Army weaponry to put chemicals in the air to cause climate difficulties. She said it was their “secret weapon” in order to control the people in this country. We asked her why the Army isn’t using that secret weapon on other countries. She said that’s because it needs to remain secret. She gets all her information from Tic Tok.
We get all of our electricity from alternative energy sources now. We buy them through the electric company but the sources are wind and solar and we have solar panels. The country does not have the infrastructure to accommodate this set-up for everyone. We have one electric car (which doesn’t get driven much) and one gasoline-powered car. I think the answer is a mixture of fossil fuels and alternative energies at this point. But that’s just my opinion.
Wanda, your thoughts are spot on. We can reduce dependence on fossil fuels over time. I have no issue with that at all. In California, our governor demands all new cars sold in 2035 and thereafter to be electric. When we have super hot days, the governor already dictates that no one recharge their EVs. Imagine if all cars were EVs and there was a power shortage. I wish we could count on our elected representatives to have IQs bigger than their hat size, but that seems impossible, at least in sunny CA.
Karl, one thing I worry about with our quest to slow climate change is “unintended consequences.” I remember back when wood stoves were in vogue as a way to limit gas and electricity use for heating. This was maybe in the 80’s – not sure. I read that in some northern states, the air was thick with smoke which created a health concern. So, we have to be careful. But we must do something to keep our beautiful planet habitable.
Maura, I do respect our environment and want things to be as clean as possible. I personally do not go along with the Climate Change hysteria. It wasn’t that long ago, our pundit class was bemoaning global cooling. Then global warming became the buzzword of the day. Since no one seems to know anything, they call it climate change. Pollution is bad. Believing civilization will collapse in a few years if we don’t eliminate fossil fuels and nuclear power is pushing the limits of credibility to me.
I recently read an article about how 90 million years ago, Antarctica was a lush forest filled with dinosaurs. Much more recently, humans crossed the land bridge between Asia and the Americas, creating the Native species that survive today. When that Ice Age ended, the land bridge was submerged, and they became isolated. Too bad the Spaniards killed many of them in Mexico, Central America, and South America. Climate changes all the time, and has for hundreds of millions of years.
Karl, not sure if my comment will show up, on your site, sometimes I get a message that says “forbidden” because of the auto still that happens when I fill in my info. I am reading all your posts!
Maura, I am receiving your comments that show your full name. I have one pending right now with just maurab. I’ll approve it now.
“I wish we could count on our elected representatives to have IQs bigger than their hat size, but that seems impossible, at least in sunny CA.”
Karl, that’s impossible in Illinois and anywhere else representatives are looking for a way to get rich and they see politics as a way to a paid their pockets.
Linda, perhaps in a perverse way, politicians are intelligent. They know how to game the system to pad their wallets. Our representatives need to maintain two households, one in DC and one in their home state. How can they get rich with those expenses and a salary of $170.000 per year? It isn’t possible. The American people, along with the citizens of most other countries, are being played in the largest Ponzi scheme ever.
I don’t believe human beings were made to be rational. People followed Mussolini and Hitler, and remember the Crusades? I don’t mean you were there, but I remember learning of the wars and bloodshed throughout history. Now, some of this bloodshed has turned into propaganda against a group of people or a cause. If in a few years we have electric cars and not enough electricity, I won’t be surprised.
Yes, politicians by and large are idiots. I do not think they want a dictatorship or open warfare, but they do not seem to do anything to reduce the risk. It is amazing how quickly one side will demonize the other, especially when both sides are just in it for the cash. Our Founders must be spinning in their graves.
Hi, Karl,
To be quite honest, my opinions are totally different and I don’t believe dystopian, science fiction and non-fiction are genres that are great to write in at this time. Some of the books that are coming out of these genres are helping to stir things up.
As far Europe, I am one of those people who are living in. Yes, we have problems with gas and oil deliveries, but the problems are being ironed out. And most of us are not freezing because we’re adjusting to the times during the day when the heat is on.
Finally, if we want change in this world, we have to learn how to love. And that is just my opinion.
Shalom aleichem
Sorry, Karl, but I left out a word in my second paragraph.I was writing slower than I was thinking. It should read:
As far Europe, I am on of those people who are lining in Europe.
Shalom aleichem
Pat, I love Europe. I spent most of my time there in France, as the company I worked for was in Paris. At this point, I believe too many world leaders are focused on the wrong things. Caring for the people, their health and happiness, should be job one. That is not true in America anymore (although some governors are fixing it where they can). Some leaders in Europe may have the right focus as well. I see the endless strikes in France, and people claiming to struggle to get heating fuel. They may not be telling the truth, but that is what they say. I am glad you love Germany.
I’m not sure what to say Karl, about the state of our world, so I will keep my opinions about it private. I appreciate that you shared yours.