Whew! That Was a Close One!
My post for today does not start as I intended. I tried to access my website, but my Firefox browser would not cooperate. I also tried using the Microsoft Edge browser. Same result. Thankfully, I Googled my website and it suddenly appeared. I would have hated to fail the 30 day challenge due to technical difficulties. Trust me, it is hard enough to write something on the fly. Computer glitches make it much worse. I believe this is the first time that happened. The good news is that it is over for now.
Just yesterday, I wrote about my love of computers and technology in general. Today, I had some more choice words to express my thoughts, but since I have already calmed down, I do not want to shock anyone with my naughty vocabulary.
In a sense, the misadventure with my website is an example of our life experiences, at least of mine. Everything seems great. There is nothing to worry about and I am happy. Then stuff happens, and the stuff is not often good. Like all of you, we hunker down and deal with the issues. There may be pain and ongoing concerns, but eventually we let those memories fade and we move on to the next thing.
Of course, there is also happy stuff. When Aida said yes to my proposal was one of the happiest. Our wedding day may have surpassed that. The kids graduating from college added two more. The kids got married, and now have children of their own. Four more amazing people to love. More wonderful memories than I can count. It is sometimes easier to remember the bad, and that is a shame.
When I look back on my life, much of which has been laid out in earlier posts, I hardly remember the bad events. The good ones are always at the top of my mind. We all faced adversity, but we also have had wonderful times. I cannot do anything about the bad stuff. It happened. Once you are past that event, please do not hold onto those memories. They will only bring you down, and you cannot change them anyway.
I call my blog “Join the Adventure” because to me, life is an adventurous journey. While I recognize the negative things that have happened in the past, I never dwell on them. I save most of my memory for the good things. I believe our perceptions create our outlook on life. Memories of the bad stuff only reinforce the pain and suffering of the past. Who needs that?
The good memories remind me constantly that this life is and has always been a wonderful adventure. While I am not perfect in any way, my mostly positive outlook helps me focus on what really matters. When I count my curses and blessings, I know I am blessed in so many ways, and my failings cannot compete. You are blessed as well. Hold onto the good and let the rest fade away. And prepare for all the wonderful things yet to come. I wish you all the best today and everyday.
What a beautiful post, Karl! For many years, I focused on the negative and attracted more negative to me. I didn’t know any better at the time. Now, I do, and I focus on the positive and on the present. It truly does make a world of difference. It isn’t that bad doesn’t happen. It just doesn’t stick anymore. It slides off so I can usher in more positive energy. I’m happy to hear you focus on the blessings as well.
Yvette M Calleiro 🙂
Yvette, thank you for the kind words. I think as we age, we begin to understand that bad stuff does happen, but it is not the locus of our lives. We have friends, family, and faith around us every day. We are also tough enough to get over the negative and look forward to greater things. My faith is a huge part of that for me. All the best.
Hi, Karl,
I have always been a fighter. When someone told me, I can’t do something, I did it. It never easy to move forward and I am thankful that I have a goal directed hunger that doesn’t let me give up.
Shalom aleichem
Pat, perseverance is sorely lacking in too many people. If it looks too hard, go somewhere else. We only achieve and succeed in life by facing challenges head on. Life can be difficult. As a soldier, you know that better than i. When we overcome even a small challenge, we realize that we are much stronger than we ever believed. A great lesson for anyone. I am so glad you are strong and determined. We all should be.
Karl, life really is an adventure and a positive attitude is a gift. Every day brings something wonderful if we are open to it! Thanks for an uplifting post!
I have lived both ways. When you’re young, every little setback seems a nightmare. Only later do we realize what a godsend the experience was. It’s good to look back at the past and chuckle about our own feelings over the years.
Great post, Karl! I wonder if we have to slog through negativity to get to the clarity of gratitude. I certainly did. I spent many unhappy years in that dark swamp. I’d love to go back and tell that negative me to get over myself and see the light, but what if it was necessary for my growth? We may never know on this side. I’m glad you’re past the worst of it. Now, when your tech declares war, you fight the battle and move on. It’s good to forget the bad stuff and hang on to the good. Memory gaps can be a blessing.
Patty, I think that as living beings on this planet, the shock, fear, anger, and/or disappointment that comes from negative events naturally puts our minds and bodies into fight-or-flight mode. We react as other beings react. I have had some swampy times as well. Our fear or anger becomes a major hurricane in our minds. We forget that all of this will pass. But that bad does pass slowly into memory. I look back on some of those moments and think I was a fool for wallowing in negativity and self-pity. Perhaps it is the aging process that helps us understand how to cope with the good and bad news. As you know, faith is a big part of our decision to move on. I don’t know if my memory block was a good or bad thing, but I don’t regret it at all. All the best!
My memories are strange; I only remember really good things or really bad ones. Sometimes I don’t feel present at certain events, where I’m not paying close attention, and can remember the high and low points. I’m trying to focus on the positive but problems get in the way. As far as memories, I’m cherishing the sweet ones,
Susanne, I think we are all dealing with the same thing. I have more recent negative events that still pop into my head, mainly during the night. When I wake during the night, those memories are very draining. Next morning, I usually have little or no recollection of the event. When I reconsider it, I realize I was worried about nothing. Our minds are strange and wonderful places.