No Truer Friend
Today’s topic responds to Nonnie’s request to meet my new dog, Akiva. Since the subject came up, I decided to share the stories of all the dogs we have loved over the years. Here is a picture of Akiva.

She is the sweetest dog ever, although she loves barking at everything and everyone. She isn’t angry, just wanting attention. She has lived with me for six months. She was two and one-half when I adopted her. Since she was older, I kept her original name. Akiva means protect or shelter in Hebrew.
Her hair is a bit shaggy, but with the cooler temps, I wait for warmer weather before grooming.

This is Zelda and Chachis. They were the best of friends, as you can tell. Chachis was my baby. Zelda lives with her mommy. I lost Chachis three years ago. That pain remains.
Our other dogs were:
Coco Chanel- she was a Bichon, and an athlete. She loved to play catch and performed acrobatic jumps, just to add a bit of flair.
Gigi- she was a mix of poodle and Shih Tzu. She was her mommy’s love slave. The two of them were inseparable.
Louis Pierre- he was a pure miniature poodle and knew it. He was a wonderful companion for almost 19 years.
Mimi- she was a tiny little poodle. Like the others, she loved her walks. She was so good that she did not need a leash. If she moved away, I could snap my fingers and she’d come right back.
So many good memories, punctuated by the passing of each one. Thank goodness Zelda and Akiva are doing well.
I may seem hard to believe, but I grew up with cats. My mother did not like dogs. For years, I thought I was a cat person too. You live and you learn.
Karl, loved the post. Pets are like family members and it is always difficult to see them go. Our last was a Chihuahua that we had for 18 yrs; his ashes are in an urn sitting on a small shelf in the kitchen on the wall above where his bed used to be. We swore no more pets and purchased all new rugs and furniture to force us in compliance. Before Chico, we had a Cocker Spaniel, and then a Lhasa Apso.
That’s why I only shared bits on the earlier dogs. Still too much emotion tied up in their loss. Thank you for sharing Chico’s story.
You’ve had the cutest types of dogs, Karl! I grew up with a poodle who loved to play soccer and a rat terrier who only loved me. Lol! When I became an adult, I got an American chihuahua, but after she passed away, I stuck to saltwater fish. Thanks for sharing your pets, both current and past, with us.
Yvette M Calleiro 🙂
Yvette, thank you for the kind comments. I also preferred smaller dogs. At one point, we had five at once. That’s a lot of dogs on the bed. Wishing you all the best.
My sister has three cats, a dog, and two tortoises. My brother at one point had 5 dogs, a rabbit, a bearded dragon, freshwater fish, and a pig. We are definitely animal lovers. 🙂
Hi Karl. This is a cute story with the cutest pets. If I ever get a pet it will be a miniature pet. They bark the loudest but sooo cute.
Thank you for making me smile 😁😁
Shirley, I don’t blame you. All of our dogs were fairly small. Mimi was less than five pounds. Akiva and Coco were larger, but still not too big to handle. My daughter and her family have a Great Pyrenees. As a female, she is only around eighty pounds. The males are over one hundred. That’s a lot of dog food and poop to handle! I heartily recommend Shih-Tzus and Poodles (toy or miniature). Thank you for stopping by.
The pictures of your dogs were great. My husband and I had dogs when we first married, but we both worked and thought it was cruel to leave a dog alone all day. When I quit work, I got a bichon/pom and she was sweet tempered and rarely barked. Lexi passed away in 2019 at ten years old. I think about getting another dog sometimes, but I’ll see.
I love your dogs. I wonder if Akiva was named after a person; I’ve known a few human Akivas in my lifetime. It’s a good Biblical name. I have my first dog and pray he lives another year. I had two cats before my dog. Oh, I forgot Thumper, the dwarf bunny my daughter left with me, who I can’t even pet too much since I’m allergic to him. Need a bunny?
Susanne, rabbits are adorable, but I am afraid Akiva might have an issue or two. Regarding Akiva, I know Rabbi Akiva was the head rabbi in the First Century. Other than that, I don’t know who she was named after. I hope your dog lives a long life. Our male poodle lived nineteen years. At the end, it was still sad and we were heartbroken. But all of us are doing our best to help them live long and happy lives. It’s a blessing.
Karl–I love these photos. We have had dachshunds–or, should I say, I have had dachshunds–since I was 16. The one we have now is almost 13–his name is Oscar. We adopted him when he was 10. No one wanted him, so we took him. He came up to New York from Alabama in 2020. He’s starting to slow down, but he still plays with squeaky toys. When he first came to live with us, he wouldn’t have anything to do with my husband. Now he’s my husband’s “velcro dog.” He cries and cries even when Bill goes out to get the mail. We brought him with us to Michigan on December 21st when we went out there to see our daughter and her family for Christmas. It was so cold! He hated going out in the cold. But then again, so did I. Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos.
Thank you, Wanda. I have had a few velcro-dogs myself. My Chachis and Akiva are two examples. I get so attached. When Chachis passed, I was lost for a long time. We had her for fourteen years, and was adopted from friends of my wife. They did not know how to take care of dogs, but I’ve seen worse. Thankfully, Akiva is only three, so we have a long life together ahead. All the best.
Karl, thanks for sharing your sweet dogs! We’ve had as many dogs over the years as we have kids, almost all of which were strays who made us their forever homes. Our last was a shih tzu whose mommy went to a nursing home. A friend asked if we’d help find the older gentleman a home and we set out to do just that. He was with us seven years.
Wow, patty. The older gentleman seems a very good definition for that pup. I’m glad he was able to live his life with those who loved him. Take care.
Hi, Karl,
Pets are special. I had a cat for 22 years. He was black with green eyes and he was the owner of me. I stood by him, when the doctor told me they could no longer do anything to help him, and cuddled him as he took his last breaths. That was in 2008. Since then, I haven’t had another. Clay, my cat, was very special to me.
Great post.
Shalom Aleichem
Pat, as I mentioned, I was raised with cats. I switched to dogs when I was married. I still love all animals, but dogs own me completely. Having such honest love is a remarkable thing. It makes a person wonder how they could have deserved so much affection. Truly a miracle. All the best.
Karl, what a wonderful post! I loved seeing and hearing about your pets. I am a total “dog person” and we have had so many over the years, usually found or brought home by me. Thanks goodness, George is such a softie! Your Akiva is adorable and has definitely found her perfect home. We always adopt older dogs who might be left behind – it is a good feeling. Ziggy was 8 when we adopted him and here he is at 12, still going strong. Thanks for this heartwarming post!
Maura, thank you for the kind words. Dogs have made such a difference in my life. Selfless love is a rare thing, yet dogs seem to have it in abundance. Our dogs has been a mixture of shelter dogs and other adoptees. A few were owned by family members, and it’s surprising to see how little some were loved by their previous owners. Akiva belonged to a family in Tijuana. Actually, she belonged to the daughter. She went to college and could not take her. Her parents do not want pets. So, she was going to be adopted by someone. I am glad she is my friend now.
Karl, thanks for sharing all of your beautiful fur-babies with us (at my request! Let me see what else I can ask for!…Hmmmmm). All the babies were posing so well for the photos, although the look they gave was, “Why are you pointing that thing at us, Dad?”
I’m glad you explained Akiva’s name because that was going to be my first question. I remember when you lost Chachis and I am so happy that you now have a new love and companion.
Keep sharing, Karl! If you need ideas, let me know. I don’t want to suggesting things, because then it’s almost like you’re blogging only for my entertainment! We want to keep your other friends dropping by here! LOL!
Take care!
Thank you, Nonnie! Our dogs never did like to have their pictures taken, but who cares? They are obviously too good looking not to photograph. Akiva does keep me company very well. All the best.
Karl, your fur babies are all so adorable! Each and every one of them has their own unique personality and quirks, don’t they? Ah, but the joy they bring – all that unconditional love! I’ve had several dachshunds. They’re all up at the rainbow bridge now, but I hope to have another dog or two before I join them.
Best wishes!
Donna M Atwood
D M Atwood
Yes, our dogs remind us how we are supposed to be. I’m doing my best to emulate them now.
Karl, I am definitely a dog person too! I put off getting a dog for quite a while, but with my mother and my adult son also living here, my dog Bixby gets plenty of attention even when I am at work. He has also been quite a comfort to each of us in times of need. They are such little blessings!
Pamela, I could not agree more. My dogs have always been my best friends, to this day.