Too Much Going On!!!
I fondly remember the retirement celebration my RRBC friends held for me. I recall at the time I was concerned my days would be empty. That never happened. One member, I can’t recall who, said that after six months, I would wonder how I ever had time for a day job. For me, that occurred within days. Now that I have my new dog, I have even less free time. I view that as a very good thing. As the old saying goes, “Idle hands are the Devil’s workshop.” No idle hands here!
Two days ago, I opined about the fickleness of our fates. Well, as should have been expected, I am now being asked by some friends from a former employer to help them figure out what is going on at their new company. The two, father and son, are very good friends and so I eagerly volunteered (They will pay for my time.). Yesterday, I spent two hours on the phone (one hour with each) going over the next steps. The situation is dire, as they chose to give most authority to a man whose aspirations are bigger than all outdoors. While the owner is a wealthy guy, the new company is bleeding them dry.
This weekend, things are calm. My friends have meetings with others on Monday and Tuesday, hoping to find some kind of acceptable solution. I have also been asked to do a deep dive on the current spending habits. Being a finance guy (corporate accountant my entire career), the calculations are not a problem, although obtaining meaningful and specific information has to date been troublesome.
Yesterday, I mentioned the impasse I currently have with my muse. Between this new gig and arm-wrestling the muse, it promises to be a challenging period. The father, owner of the old and new companies, and I have had some tough conversations. He knows the risks and losses he continues to suffer. I think there is a strong possibility for a great outcome. It’s been a few months since I scoured legal contracts, but it seems I may be doing that again very soon. But do not worry, these folks have their own attorneys too.
Please do not get me wrong. I relish the opportunity to learn the issues and discover possible solutions.
As we all know, life gives us challenges of all kinds. We can either cower and hide under the sheets, or we can face it head on. Here, lots of money is on the line (thankfully not mine). To me, the measure of a person is what they are willing to do for their friends and family. After all, what else really matters?
So, don’t cry for me Argentina. The future is always filled with paths to success that gladly show themselves if we but ask.
Good luck to you my friend!
Thanks, John.
Wow, Karl. I wish you success in finding the best outcome for your friends. I admire your ability with numbers and finances. And I do believe the Lord will open up time for your writing as well. Blessings!
Patty, I especially like your confidence in my writing. Sometimes, I need a little boost to keep me going. My friend will survive, hopefully earning some money for his business, patents and licenses, and his name. Trust me, his name is famous in this particular industry, which many may not know much about.
I am sure your friends are very appreciative of your willingness to help them out, and it sounds like you are enjoying the challenge. I hope it works out favorably for your friends, Karl.
Yvette M Calleiro 🙂
I hope for the same result, Yvette. It’s business, so it usually comes down to the wording in the contract and the $$$ involved. The owner I am working with is one of the most brilliant and successful people I’ve known. He will find a solution.
Karl you are a numbers guy. Will you give us the outcome of your investigation? I’m anxious to know how the company fares.
Shirley, I hope to share the end result, although the companies and people will remain anonymous. This is their company and problem. If a solution arises, they and me will be very pleased. Time will tell.
Hi Karl,
I love your last paragraph! That’s what life is all about. Stepping out there and facing what you have to face. Sure, it’s scary but you do it anyway. And I can testify that the measure of character is not by what’s in your bank account but what you’re willing to do for others. It’s the heart that count.
Shalom aleichem
Pat, I have to admit I was focused on other things through much of my career. Over time, we learn none of that really mattered. Ultimately, how we treat our family and friends is all that counts.
Karl, your friends are lucky that you are so talented and will be able to help them. Hope all resolves for the best! Sounds like you are really “keeping busy” – no worries there! I know your muse will make him/herself heard, they always return.
Thanks, Maura. I’m going to do my best to help resolve their issue. Then I can focus 100% on my writing again… I hope.
In my opinion, retirement is heaven on earth!
Karen, retirement is awesome. In California, we have to deal with a lunatic government which loves to raise taxes and create new bureaucracies for fun. I keep hoping for change, but so far, that’s unlikely. I will get by though. Thank you for stopping by.
I found that being author keeps a person busy. If I’m not writing blogs or poetry, I’m working on a book. And if my muse is blocked, like I mentioned to you last month, I can find plenty of ways to market my books, such as banners and book trailers. Social media has a way of absorbing all my free time.
Susanne, my brain requires a certain amount of funny every day. I try not to take the rest of life too seriously. It’s just the way I’m wired.