Welcome back for my March 7th blog post. I hope I come up with something interesting. As usual, I’ve got a lot on my mind.
Today has been complicated, and it’s not even 4PM yet (in California). My ex asked me to go with her to Lowe’s, where she was meeting the man who is fixing various things in her house. Unfortunately, the two of them get up earlier than me. I barely had time to brush my teeth and take a shower, and I was off and running. We must have traversed most of the store, and stores like that are HUGE! With nothing in my tummy, I became worn out pretty quickly. At least she received a lot of information and numbers to help her plan.
When we got back, she had to rush off to join a group of friends. I took my dog and hurried back home. After coffee and my quesadilla, I began to feel much better. The bad news is that the weather is still a bit chilly for me. When I was working full-time, I had quite a few more pounds to carry around. Also, my sensitivity to the cold has become more acute with age. Still, I survived.
Later, I went to my outside storage room and took out a box of old paperbacks. It’s a long story, and why I don’t use the Barnes & Noble app to publish e-books anymore. As I lugged the box out, I made the mistake of raising up a second too soon, and whacked the back of my head. No issues, other than the impact hurt. Don’t worry. I am fine now.
Then I tried to start another reread of my upcoming book. I am looking for specific errors in my logic. My stories seem to take on a life of their own while I type. To find anything, I have to read it all. I did not have the motivation to get very far. My muse and I must be in the right mood. Today is not it. As I have mentioned before, everything works out in God’s time. I need to remember to be nice to myself. Do that for you too!
In case you did not notice, I changed the daily title of my blog for this month. I was advised by a smart person in RRBC that I need a more engaging title. Thanks, Paula. I hope this works better now. I suppose the readers will be the arbiters of that.
Since the time is progressing toward 5PM, I think I will end for today. Tomorrow, when I am not so frazzled, I am sure to have more things to say. Please remember to check out the blog posts of the other wonderful RRBC authors who are taking part in this challenge. Most of them are smarter than I.
Hi, Karl,
I am glad you didn’t knock yourself out! Knocks on our head can be dangerous.
Take care of yourself.
Have a lovely day.
Shalom shalom
It sure stung for a few moments. I have done that before with the same door. Thankfully, the little room is almost empty. Too much junk can lead to knocks on the head. Thank you for your comment.
I am sure all the early affort without food and drink was worth it. Imagine if you had chosen not to go, you would not have been a happy bunny then I believe.
Joy, you are right. Although I wore out quickly, being there to be supportive was the most important thing. Perhaps I just need to wake up earlier…
Sometimes you just have to stop and be quiet and rest. You will know when you are ready to tackle that job. I’m the biggest proscrastinator but eventually I get the job done.
So be kind to yourself. Nobody else will.
Shirley, thank you for the vote of confidence. I realize that all things happen when they are supposed to, however, after 40+ years in the corporate world, I still have a hard time letting things go. Something to work on, right?
With all the pills I take every morning, if I don’t eat something with them, my stomach gets queasy and I get lightheaded. So I make it a point to always have at least a breakfast bar as a minimum before leaving the house. Otherwise, it’s an opportunity to crash and burn.
Hi, Karl!
Sorry for the bump on your head. That smarts. I’ve done it myself a few times over the years. I find it refreshing that you’re so supportive of your ex. My ex and his wife live nearby, and we’ve become friends. It’s good for everyone to make peace with the past and with each other.
God does have our time in his hands, and we can trust him. Things will get done when they’re supposed to, and it’s important to take care of ourselves.