Thanks for joining me on the Rave Reviews Book Club 30 day blog-writing challenge. I hope you’ll stick with me through the bitter end. The topic for today is:
The Unwelcome Holiday Gift
To now, I have not been an avid blogger. Those who know me understand that I am understated, to say the least (introverted is more like it). I am grateful for the opportunity to stretch my writing chops by crafting something to share daily. I am not convinced I can come up with something for thirty days straight, but I am going to try my best. The Day One blog is about everyone’s least favorite gift: illness.
In my case, my gift was COVID. Please do not get me wrong. I realize the earlier variants of the disease were brutal and deadly. I am grateful that the current virus is quite weak, much like a bad cold. As with all viral infections, COVID has mutated over the months to become less dangerous and more easily transmitted. After all, a deadly virus kills its host, causing the virus to die as well. We’ve heard of other viruses that initially ravage this country and others, only to vanish after a few years. Thankfully, that is their nature.
The downside is when the weather is cold and nasty, any illness seems much worse. Being viral, it also leaves the person isolated. Being solo during the holidays is not good for anyone. I am lucky enough to be an obstinate and grouchy guy, so perhaps my solitude is a benefit to others. That does not make me feel any better.
The combination of COVID and the Christmas season reminded me of two important truths. Some may not believe or like one, the other, or both. It is okay to feel the way you choose. Still, those truths are cornerstones of my logical mind and faith. They are:
We live in a natural world. Events follow Nature’s course. We are humans and subject to many infirmities and dangers. I know I chose this life and accepted the risks that come with that choice. As an example, I still remember screaming for the night guard at the house my dad had in Ethiopia in the early seventies. He was an Air Force officer attached to the embassy back then (before the Communist takeover). It seemed to take forever for him to let me back inside. No sooner had I crawled into bed when I could hear hyenas outside the gates. The thought of being dinner for some wild animals shook me. I also have thoughts on the origins of COVID, but will save those for another time
The soul inside each of us is part of God. While He, Jesus, or the angels may intercede for us, I don’t expect it. I know this life is just one small adventure in my existence, which is eternal. When I remember that, many mundane day-to-day concerns melt away.
The good news for me is that today should be the last day of my quarantine. I have been told that the current virus lasts five days after symptoms appear. God willing, tomorrow I will share the happy news that I am a free man again in Southern California. Meanwhile, stay safe, treasure the moment, and love deeply. Remember to thank God and our Lord Jesus Christ daily for the blessings and challenges we all face.
For my fellow authors taking part in this challenge, I wish you the very best of luck and success in your literary endeavors.
See you tomorrow.
I’m happy to hear you are on the mend, Karl! For extroverts, the isolation is difficult. As an extroverted introvert myself, I enjoyed the solitude and quiet. Here’s to hoping you can hug your loved ones tomorrow. 🙂
Thanks for your note, Yvette. Unfortunately, the COVID fairy was not on my side last night when I took the test. Soon, it will be over.
That’s alright! That’s just the universe saying you need a little bit more rest. 🙂
My goodness Karl, that hyena scare shook me to my core. Thank goodness you survived the ordeal.
I could write a whole story on COVID. I think we’ve all been touched by it in one form or another.
The hyena incident was definitely traumatic. I know Ethiopia has changed a lot over 50 years, so hopefully not too many hyena casualties. Thank you for stopping by.
Hi, Karl! Forgive me for starting off with “WOW! Impressive writing – even in a blog post!” Thank you for that! I’m always appreciative when I’m presented with writing that does not assault or offend my eyes. This was a pleasant read.
I am so sorry that COVID “got you.” My family has been so blessed to not have had an inkling of the virus since this madness began, but, then again, when everyone discarded their masks, we didn’t. We haven’t stopped, and I can’t tell you when we will stop. The folks that look at us crazy when they see us with our masks, gets a look back from me that says, “You’re the crazy one. We’ve not been sick a day since this mess arrived.” But, let me get down from my high-horse, Karl, on your blog. I’m getting off track.
I loved your “share” and am so excited to see what you have in store for us tomorrow. I’d love to meet the new puppy! I’ll bet he’s an awesome companion!
Feel better, my friend!
Thank you, Nonnie. COVID was a bitter surprise, but it will pass in time. As I mentioned, I’m thankful I missed all the earlier, more nasty variants. My dog is Akiva, and she is definitely a heart-breaker.
Karl, welcome to the ranks of the infected. We, too, had Covid over the Thanksgiving holiday period. Thankfully, nothing severe that required hospitalization. Unfortunately, there are only a few people that I know who haven’t had the bug yet. In fact, some got it two or three times. Congrats on your “stepping out” and joining civilization again.
Thanks John. My issue now is that I feel fine. No symptoms, nothing. But still the evil virus lurks in the background. All the best.
Hi. I’ve also just recovered from Covid. I was Covid-free a week ago, but I still don’t feel like myself. I’m so tired. I had it for 12 days and was sick 4 days before I tested positive. So, I’m in the 4th week and counting. I hope yours doesn’t linger like mine.
Yikes, Susanne! Four weeks and still going? That’s terrible. I hope you and everyone else recovers soon. Thank you for stopping by.
Karl, I had Covid in June and still find myself having to clear my throat all the time and coughing randomly (although not for long). It’s affected my singing voice as well. But I never got a fever or any of the “bad” symptoms that 74-year-olds like me had when the pandemic began. Sounds l ike you’re on the mend as well. Happy un-quarantine day tomorrow!
Wanda, unfortunately, the end of quarantine party will have to wait. The good news is that I feel just great. Strange that I can still be infected without any symptoms. Time will tell.
Hi, Karl. Praying for your full recovery and that you will never have to deal with it again. What a harrowing experience you had in Ethiopia! We’re eternal spirits living in human bodies that are subject to the laws of this existence as long as we’re here, so it’s a good thing the guard opened the gate just in time! I’m looking forward to all your posts! I didn’t know you were also a Brat! Blessings!
Patty, some would say that I’m still a brat, but I ignore them. I like to learn something every day. Unfortunately, I might forget one or two things in order to make room for the new stuff. All the best!
Karl, so happy you are on the mend, and that you got Covid now rather than at the beginning of the pandemic. Hope you feel better soon! Enjoy being out and about again. Thanks for this insight into your life and beliefs. I look forward to reading more.
Maura, I was glad to share my story. The good news is that night in Ethiopia was fifty years ago. I’ve been to lots of places and see quite a bit, but home is still the best place to be. Thank you for stopping by.
Hi, Karl,
I like your blog post. I have learned so much. I didn’t know you have lived in Ethiopia. When I was working in a bank, one of my colleagues was from that country.
Your philosophy is also interesting. I don’t agree with some of the things you said, but I definitely agree that life is eternal.
I am looking forward to knowing more about you. You have led a pretty exciting life.
Shalom aleichem
Pat, thank you for stopping by. I know many don’t agree with some of my thoughts, but as a writer, I don’t mind. For me, the best way to grow is to stretch outside my comfort zone. Since I write fantasy, it’s also easy to say, “It is only a story.”
Good morning, Karl. I wish you the best with this challenge, too. It’s quite an undertaking, but I like learning more about my fellow authors. I’m eager to know your opinions on the origins of COVID and anything else you decide to share. Your prolific writing career has long been admired and respected by me. Happy New Year, my friend.
Thank you very much, Linda. I don’t think I’ll discuss my view of COVID’s origin with the group. I believe the Wuhan Institute of Virology was trying to create a super-bug, potentially as a weapon. I also believe the US Government helped fund that research. Others may not agree and that’s fine. I’m glad you stopped by and enjoyed by post.
Hi Karl, Donna Atwood here. First of all, I really enjoyed your post and I’m happy to hear that you’re on the mend. Secondly, I completely agree that we are eternal beings who have chosen to live our lives on this planetary spaceship we call Earth. It’s a wild ride, but then again, that’s how we learn and grow, eh? Before signing off, I would like to extend my very best wishes to you for a Happy and Healthy New Year. : )
Do hope you are feeling better by now Karl.So enjoyed reading this post. Have a great day. Joy
I feel fine, Joy. Thank you for caring. All the best to you.