And so it begins. Follow me for the rest of March to see whether I can blog each day this month. I really appreciate your attention and comments.
Today was just another typical day, which means I was running around like crazy all day. First, I have to take my dog for walkies three or four times a day. She loves every person and dog she meets along the way. Unfortunately, her affections are not always returned by the dog (or cat) in question. Still, being with Akiva makes me very happy. I also had to trek to Northgate Gonzales Market, a local Mexican grocery store. After being married to a Mexican lady for twenty-eight years, the taste for Mexican cuisine is in my blood. I also tend to eat the same thing every day. That’s a chicken quesadilla in the morning, and a bowl of black beans, chicken, and cheese in the evening. For anyone who knew me when I was working, they will likely find it odd that I don’t eat very much. Age has a lot to do with it (I’m a young 69).
Later in the afternoon, Akiva and I went to visit my ex. She loves my dog and spent time together with us. She also did some major surgery on two of Akiva’s favorite dog toys.
Now, here I sit in my little place, preparing for the end of the day. I’m just about to go make my black bean/chicken/cheese dinner. Of course, I will share some of the chicken with my beloved dog.
What didn’t I accomplish today? My main regret is not continuing the second reread of my new novel. Also, I’m in the process of moving from my old PC (12-14 years old) to my new one. Even with Carbonite, a lot of the stuff needs to be reentered by hand. That process will take some time. Hopefully, I’ll be able to finish my reread soon. Then it’s off to the editor and cover designer.
I hope to have more news on that and everything else over the coming days and weeks. I promise to be more newsworthy as the days go by. I hope you have a wonderful evening, and I’ll talk more tomorrow.
Hey Karl! Good to hear from you again. You have an interesting life and I love your meal planning. Food doesn’t sound too boring to me.
Hi, Karl! I am so happy that you are blogging! I absolutely loved your posts last year.
It’s obvious in every word you share about Akiva how much she means to you. Kudos to you for being such a loving fur-baby parent. I wish that everyone could be as loving to all the fur-babies of the world. Does Akiva now how lucky she is? And where’d the name Akiva come from?
How interesting that you were married to someone for that long, divorced, and now you spend time together. Interesting and amazing! Is there any hope for reconciliation since you two get along well together now? I had to ask.
Thanks for sharing your day with us, Karl! I can’t wait to drop in on you tomorrow!
Nonnie Jules, Author
I’m looking forward to your blog, Karl. By the way, I’m sure Akiva appreciated the surgical revival of her toys!
Hi, Karl! Reading about your walkies with Akiva re-awakened my own desire for another dog. Our neighborhood comes alive with dogs walking their people at least twice a day, and I try to get out to meet the friendly pups as they go by. Eating simply has its benefits, doesn’t it? Variety is nice on occasion, but Bill and I also prefer to stick with a few simple dishes. I look forward to reading your daily entries this month!
Thank you for the kind words, Patty. All the best to you and your family.
Good luck, Karl!
Your dog sounds precious. I tried to walk my dog, Nounous, today. We made it around the block, and then he refused to walk anymore. It’s hard for him since he can’t see, and I know his arthritis pains him. But since the weather has warmed, I’m going to try each day to get him to walk.
Hi Karl–My Oscar (14 years old) doesn’t like walks unless the weather is at least 75 degrees. He prefers that we open the sliding glass door and just let him out. We adopted him four years ago, just before we went into pandemic lockdown, when he was ten. No one wanted him, so we took him. He’s delightful, just like your dog is!
So glad you are an animal lover Karl. Shows a loving side to the owners nature. I am sure Akiva is a comfort to you. Take care and stay well.