Hello my friends, and welcome to day 2 of the 30-Day Blogging Challenge. I decided to start earlier today. I have already done most of my daily activities, although Akiva and I may go for another walk, unless it starts to rain again.
The first thing I did, after getting ready for the day, was to fulfill my Tweet Support Team duties. Too often, I forget and then I’m late once again. But not today. I even linked one to Nonnie’s blog post from yesterday.
Between eating breakfast (my usual chicken quesadilla and coffee) and now, I finally finished the second reread of my latest novel, which is tentatively titled Land of Lost Souls. Unfortunately, I think another read is required. My writing often gets ahead of my intended plot. I don’t know if there is anything major to redo, but I’m hoping not. I am also not satisfied with the current title. As I may have mentioned before, most of the action takes place in the Evil Realm (H E double-hockey-sticks). An earlier title was Gates of Perdition. While my protagonist is again a young teen, I do not think it will qualify as Young Adult fiction. I frankly scared myself a few times, making me wonder: Where the heck did that come from?!
By the way, Land of Lost Souls is also where I first came up with Manny’s Bar and Grill, and where my protagonist (Simon Connor) could feel the other side since he was very young. That sense of the other side was something that affected me as a youngster.
To be totally honest, I also made a new batch of Pico de Gallo and washed the dishes. I know you’re impressed…
I hope the current story is close to going to my editor. I have a few other stories that I began and then set aside. I hope each of those will ultimately get completed and put on paper or Kindle.
I have checked out the posts of all the other contestants. I honor your commitment, and I hope we all succeed for the rest of March. Please check out how our other great bloggers are doing by following the link below.
Hi, Karl! I enjoyed this post very much. I laughed at H-E double hockey sticks, and I was impressed at your batch of Pico de Gallo. I believe most children have a sense of “other” that most eventually lose. Some remain sensitive and write books. Or paint, or get into music, or pursue some other creative activity. The odd ones are the most interesting. I was two days late with the Tweet Support Team activities today. Glad I’m not the only one who isn’t always on time! Distractions abound. Keep up the good work with your blogging!
Hi, Karl. I love chicken quesadillas. Sounds like a great way to start the day!
Good Morning, Karl,
Congratulations on finishing the second reread of your book Land of Lost Souls! If you need to do a third read before sending it to your editor, then do it. You’re saving yourself money when you can send it out to the editor with hardly any corrections needed.
Now I have a question; is Pico de Gallo white wine? I’ve never heard it express that way. But I have to admit, I only drink red wine.
Take care and I’ll see you tomorrow.
Shalom shalom
Hi Karl. As for your latest story, no matter how many times you read it, there will always be changes made. That is one of the ‘faults’ of an author. However, every change makes it better. What a diet you’re on. Have to be careful with those fast-food places. I recently ordered a taco with sour cream on the side. When I got home, I couldn’t find the container of sour cream. After unwrapping my tacos, I found each of them had a dollop of sour cream on the outside of each one. First job?
Hi Karl. You are a strange one as I have detected in some of your writings. Its a good thing you found a way to let it all out. Going through the process of getting your works to press can be a headache at times.
Good luck to you and your next release!
Hi, Karl! Thank you for taking the time to link back to one of my posts! You make your own pico de gallo? Well, I’m impressed, although I don’t eat it. My husband and children love the stuff.
I love your working title, so what the hell… go with it! (No, H E. double hockey sticks there!)
Thanks for supporting all of us who are on this journey with you! Making it to the end of March seems so doable now, doesn’t it?
Take care, dear Karl!
Nonnie, I also believe all of us will make it through March 30. No one seems to be backing out, and being this close, why would they?
My pico de gallo is every simple: Onion, one Jalapeno chile (I remove the veins and seeds to lessen the heat), a Roma tomato, and usually half a bunch of cilantro. I really do not like cilantro, but it is an essential part of the pico. Usually, pico de gallo has salt, but I do not use much salt anymore. I chop everything up in my food processor, being careful not to chop it too finely. I use my pico primarily to make some guacamole and to add to my bean, chicken, and cheese dinner bowl (sometimes soup). When I make the guacamole, I add salt to the smashed avocado before adding the pico. Salt in the pico de gallo just causes it to get watery and that makes the stuff a mess.
We are all going to make it this year. i can feel it in my bones.
Wishing you all the best!