Today is National Cheese Doodle Day. Hmmm. I have nothing to say about that. Instead, I should mention that today is also Super Tuesday, the day when primaries are held in several states, including California where I live. Frankly, I have nothing much to say about that either. I realize the conventions are coming up, and the rhetoric about both sides will be overstated and of little use to any of us. For our political class, it’s a big deal. I am not a member of that class, so I guess you could say I have no class.
Now, next Sunday is another subject. That is the day we switch from Standard Time to Daylight Savings Time. I have always hated the time changes. You get used to waking up at a certain time, and suddenly you are oversleeping. Being retired, I probably should not whine too much about it. Plus, I realize that come summer, I will appreciate the later sunset.
The advent of Springtime is another benefit to the month of March. I understand that most people have to survive a brutal winter. Here in San Diego County, it’s a bit rainy and the highs are in the upper 50s or low 60s. After being here more than forty years, my sense of warmth and cold has changed a lot.
What I should be focused on is my writing. Some days, that is not easy to do. This or that pops up, and my mind feverishly creates excuses not to work on my novels. Having an energetic dog adds to my distractions. Somehow, I have still managed to write quite a few books. Perhaps I should not be so harsh to myself. This writer’s brain needs time to figure stuff out. When I am distracted, I imagine my mind is mulling over ideas to improve the current work. My active mind has no idea what is happening in there. Or maybe I am just lazy.
It is critical that we be kind to ourselves first. My books will be completed. I will then come up with new ideas, unless my muse goes on strike. By the way, can I fire my muse? I do not think that is possible.
For all the other writers out there, know that the words will come out at the right time. Please recognize that writing a book is a lot of work. Beating yourself up will never get it done sooner. Allow your muse to lead the way. The quality of your work will excel when you trust that inner you that sits behind your eyeballs and gives you miraculous ideas.
I wish you all the best. You will succeed, and you will probably surprise yourself with words that show up on your pages.
Hello Karl. You fell right into my notifications so you get to hear back from me. I’m still trying to handle the health issue that landed me in the hospital. Still trying to do a switch from cable to streaming and still get my local channels. Not a small feat.
Don’t beat yourself up because you are writing a load of books. I don’t know why you don’t have an agent. Something to think about.
Talk with you later.
News and political junkie that I am, I’m watching Super Tuesday results on television and the Iditarod race on my computer. Meanwhile, my muse is shouting that she has an idea for my current story. You can fight with your muse, Karl, but I’m convinced firing is impossible.
I’m a news junkie, too, Karen, but I haven’t been as interested this time. I’m overwhelmed, to a certain extent. I have one novel that on its final journey to publication and two stories in process. Always looking around for ideas. You’re right. You can fight with the muse but you cannot fire it.
Karl–I hate the time changes, too. I’m always on the air on the radio on Saturday nights, and those time changes always screw me up. Even if we gain an hour, it takes me time to re-set my circadian rhythm. When I first started doing radio in the 1970s, I had to turn the radio station on in the morning. It was a small, community station. I went to the station and was pulling (vinyl) records, and the phone started going crazy. I’d forgotten to set my clock ahead at home. I was taking my time–la de da–getting my show ready, and I was an hour late! At least now I work at a station that’s on twenty-four hours a day! That won’t happen again! (Plus the engineers are in charge of turning the station on and off. Way above my pay grade!)
What a lovely piece you have written today Karl. I have read some of your work and thoroughly enjoyed it. Your muse will help in it’s own time have no fear. Be kind to yourself. You have much to be proud of, after all you love animals. That speaks so much to me.
Hi, Karl,
The time change confuses me every time. When we spring forward, do our afternoons get longer or shorter? I need a spreadsheet.
Politics used to turn me into a frenzied banshee, shouting at the people in the TV like a crazy woman. Now, I keep turning them over to the Lord, who does, in the end, choose whom to put in office each time. Hard to believe, considering the state of things, but the Bible says it’s true, so I choose to believe it. God’s plans will come about just as He said they would. We may be in for a rough ride for a while. The good news is that we can trust Him to get us through it.
I admire you and other authors who can write many books in the time it takes me to finish one. Keep writing your books, Karl. Your muse may be napping, but it will wake up and forge ahead when the time is right.
Hi Karl. I hate the time changes, too. There was a report on the radio today that the Monday after time change weekend has the most car accidents throughout the nation. Makes sense to me. I am also a ‘No Class’ person and care less about politics…I haven’t met an honest one yet. History has proven that many have lied to their constituents. With all the books you’ve written, it is clear that your Muse is hyperactive. Take advantage!
Hi, Karl! I’ve been hearing a lot of folks complain about the time change, and believe it or not, I got up today and felt no difference in anything. Maybe that’s because for several days I’ve been awakened by someone standing over me with a machine ready to stick me, or, someone coming in to change their name on the board after a shift change. Sigh. (That ended today! Yayyyy). I didn’t even realize that the time had changed until my husband asked if the clock on my phone had reset itself.
Politics… yes, honestly, I have to say they are consuming half of my brain right now. Such a stressful time.
Glad to know that Akiva is keeping you busy. You know, as is the case with all the fur babies who belong to my daughters, Akiva has gotten very popular, and it’s time for her own social media (as both my daughters have done with their extremely popular pets). I know… you’re probably reading this and rolling your eyes at me.
Take care, Karl!
First of all, I am very happy that you are doing better. All of us at RRBC have been missing you. Regarding politics, while I have strong opinions on what should be done, our political class will continue to move at glacial pace or not at all. If “climate change” worked as fast as our politicians, we would be safe for at least a billion years.
A separate social media for my dog? I understand many people feel the need to share all kinds of things, I am not one of them. I use social media primarily to see updates from friends, the news, and pictures of my grandchildren. I do not think I have the talent or desire to make Akiva an influencer.