Out of Control on Keystone XL

Did anyone see the Canadian ambassador to the United States on Fox News yesterday?

His take on the Keystone XL pipeline was amazing. First of all, he obviously has no dog in this political hunt. He is Canadian (much more liberal than the USA), and represents his country’s interests, not the Dems or Reps in our country. What he said is critically important, although no one is talking about it. He said that his country has already looked at the environment impact, as has our State Department. His point is that the oil is already flowing from Alberta to the American refineries. Right now, and into the future, that oil is moving by rail and tractor trailers. Therefore, the ruse that canceling XL will help the environment is a lie. He said the pipeline will actually help the environment as Keystone XL moves the oil by pipe rather than rail or truck, which generate significantly higher CO2 emissions than pipes. Therefore, fighting Keystone XL is actually a desire to increase pollution, not lower it.

Believe me, the Canadians are more environmentally focused than us, and that isn’t good, but in this case it lays bare the political agenda behind the fighting in Congress. The fricking market will do what it will do. The ONLY other option is to kill the pipeline, let the oil stay on rail and increase pollution, or ship it directly to China, where they don’t give a damn for the environment, and raise pollution even higher. Let’s all take a step back, and do what’s right for the USA for once. All of the helter-skelter in Washington is  a ruse (as it has always been) for the folks there to control all of us. If you love the NSA spying and all the other governmental abuses of power, you won’t care what I say. If you still think, consider this.


Join the Adventure for Free

Poster-LoRez1 (2)As an incentive to discover the Dave Brewster Series and especially The Accord (book 5), the e-book version of Showdown Over Neptune (book 1) is now available FREE for a limited time!

Those interested in diving into a new science fiction universe can now dip their toes in for nothing. Seems like a good deal, right? Head over to Smashwords now to download your copy. Find out why Dave and his family took the chance to leave their own time behind and venture 1,100 years into the future. Be there when Dave and Charlie meet the great Gallicean General Fa-a-Di and fly over the swirling gases of Jupiter. Meet the maklans of Neptune, and find out how their existence could lead to intergalactic war.

Once the promotional period is over, I intend to do the same for book 2, The Second Predaxian War. And as always, honest and thoughtful reviews are greatly appreciated.

While you are browsing for Showdown Over Neptune, please take a look at my other books, including my first fantasy series, Heartstone, and learn about my upcoming series called Modern Prophets.


The Hypocrisy of Settled Science

First of all, to be clear, this post does not express an opinion on the validity of claims of anthropomorphically caused climate change or global warming. What I wish to discuss is actually more important than that. When I heard the President of the United States claim during his State of the Union address that climate change was “settled science”, I almost fell off the couch.

Perhaps the President and other laypeople can be forgiven for their lack of understanding of how science works, but using the bully pulpit to say such things should make you squirm in your chair. The idea that anything in science is settled contradicts the very nature of scientific experimentation. Many progressives talk about the fallacy of religion, and yet, thousands of years ago when those faiths were beginning, they were the highest state of knowledge. When Isaac Newton discovered the laws of thermodynamics and physics, that was the state of the art for its time, even though the works of Einstein and others have shown Newton’s laws are approximations that work well within the macroscopic confines of our existence on Earth. Now, physicists know there is much more to science that what Newton knew, and that is fantastic. We live and we learn.

What does science know today? Probably a lot more than I can imagine, but let me share a few things I learned from reading and watching science television. First, we know that matter acts very differently on the quantum level than it does on a larger scale. The computer I’m typing on and all modern electronics rely on how things happen on the quantum level. Our machines work because those tiny bits that make up atoms and everything else act like both waves and particles and can be in many places at the same time. It is one of the great challenges facing science today to link quantum mechanics and macro-scale physics into a grand unified theory. So far, no luck on that one, which means we know how big stuff works, and we’re glad the small stuff does what it does, but we don’t know how to reconcile the two. In other words, there are two types of physics out there.

Then there is dark matter, which accounts for roughly 25% of everything in the universe. Without it, the galaxies would spin apart, since there is not enough mass in them to hold their lovely spiral (and other) shapes. What is it? Who knows? And don’t forget dark energy, my personal favorite, which makes up 70% over everything there is. When you ignite a firecracker, there is a big pop as energy is released, and then it’s over. Using that logic, after the Big Bang, the universe should have expanded very fast until the energy of the explosion dissipated and then start to slow down. Perhaps due to the vacuum of space, that could take a long time. Well, to our surprise, after 13.8 billion years, the expansion is accelerating! Imagine lighting a firecracker a billion years ago, and the explosion is still going and getting bigger. How can this happen? Dark energy. What is it? Don’t know.

So, science knows a lot about the quantum and large-scale action of 5% of the universe, but not why the two are different. While science is amazing and I love it, for a school child, that’s like getting an A in kindergarten. There is so much more to know than we can possibly imagine. Nothing in science is settled.

By the way, I love the Morgan Freeman series “Through the Wormhole” and “Beyond the Wormhole”. Those programs showcase real scientists working on some of the anomalies of science. Over the last two weeks, some pretty outrageous ideas have been floated. During one program, scientists were explaining their experiments that “prove” there is no such thing as free will. Wow! That’s really bad news for Al Gore. If that is true, there is nothing we can do about global warming, since we do not make choices. We are just going through the motions. I do not believe that, but I am no scientist.

Last week, it was suggested that existence is an illusion. I have heard that before, with scientists speculating that reality is on a sphere at the edge of the universe, and our reality is just a hologram. It all seems very unlikely, but it did remind me of my favorite book ever, Illusions by Richard Bach. After hearing those discussions, my head was spinning, but the one thing I realized is that nothing in science is settled.

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The Accord Book Cover

Accord-ebookcoverNow that The Accord has been released, let me tell you about the cover. The design was created by Ronald Calica, the graphic artist I have used for my last six covers. I hope you agree with me that his talent is amazing. Ron spends most of his time doing artwork for video games. His work on those projects made him a perfect fit for my science fiction and fantasy covers.

The scene depicted here is from the beginning of Chapter 13. Dave Brewster has been captured by The Accord and is being transferred from a starship into the massive constructed planet that houses the brain of the leader of The Accord, Vanda. Dave was savagely beaten by a robot on his last day on the starship, and here is being helped toward his destiny with the machines. Two of Dave’s friends and fellow captives, Zobu Inther and Margas Ongool offer to help him down the ramp and into his new life as a slave. Those men are shorter than Dave (who is average height) because they come from the Nan race, which figures prominently in my works, starting with The Hive. The massive robots are shouting at everyone to hurry up, waving their blasters and razor like claws. The small robot with the glass head (brain in a jar, as Dave refers to him) is Nostu, a new Friend of The Accord, who becomes Dave’s friend and learns to regret his decision to join The Accord. And that’s just the cover!

If you’re interested, please check out more on The Accord here, or look for it at most e-book resellers. The paperback version should be available any day. Thanks for checking this out and Join the Adventure!

Sample Chapters from The Accord

Accord-ebookcoverThe link below will take you to the PDF of the first two chapters of Book 5 of the Dave Brewster Series, The Accord. This sets the linkage from the end of Book 4, Tears of Gallia, and highlights the threat that the cyborg civilization will be for our galaxy. There are a lot of things thrown at you in these few pages, for example, the original attack on our fleet by Zeet of The Accord during Tears of Gallia, High Priest Obu Neela of the planet Lagamar Ulu (one of Dave’s friends first mentioned in The Hive), a society of birdlike creatures known as the Bandabar Fold (also from The Hive), as well as most of the bridge crew of the starship Nightsky, which has been Dave’s home through most of the series. I hope you enjoy it and will consider the book for your library. Here is the link:



The Accord Has Arrived

Accord-ebookcoverBook Five of The Dave Brewster Series is coming to a bookseller near you. Instead of an economical and reliable compact car, The Accord is a society of cyborgs bent on galactic domination. Deep in the Small Magellanic Cloud, the people of Skee Lotho lived in terror that their former overlords from the Society of Humanity would find them and force them back into slavery.

To provide security, they construct a satellite controlled by the disembodied brain of the aged planetary leader, Eon. Fast forward a few hundred million years, and the machines have taken over dozens of planets. The leaders of The Accord inhabit massive constructed planets housing their huge brains, along with millions of lesser cyborgs and billions of humans who are both slaves and feedstock. Now The Accord has a new problem: The Clouds are running out of metal to construct more robots. They must move to our galaxy to continue to grow and add new members.

Our defenses are too weak to stop the machines, so Dave Brewster leads a team into the Clouds to find weaknesses and perhaps convince The Accord to stop their diabolical plan. There, he faces the inhuman cruelty of the machines, but there is something else. A strange force begins to help him. Perhaps there is hope for our galaxy, but Dave Brewster and Dar Lini will face injury and death at every turn. The Accord is coming, a massive battle rages, what will happen next? Join the Adventure!


What about Ukraine?

It is odd that no one seems very upset about Crimea being stolen from Ukraine by Russia. But it is a country that no one has heard of and it is so far away from the US. Yes, they did take a vote in Crimea to join Russia (under the watchful eye of 20,000 Russian troops not wearing any insignia), but that is not the point at all. If a vote was taken in Maine to join Canada, or in Southern California to join Mexico, would we just shrug our shoulders and say “whatever”? When groups of counties in California and Colorado try to secede and form new states, the news is full of stories and talking heads saying they cannot lawfully do that. But when it comes to foreign aggression, the result is a resounding “Who cares?”

Carlos Santayana said, “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Seventy-six years ago, Nazi Germany annexed the Sudetenland, a region of Czechoslovakia where a majority of residents were German. Again, Germany justified the move to protect the German residents against the Czech government, although there was no evidence of any discrimination. Now, I am not comparing Putin and the Russians to Hitler and the Nazis, but the similarity of the situations is startling.

Of course, you don’t have to look that far in the past to see the same thing. In 2008, Putin and Russia invaded and annexed part of the nation of Georgia. It was the same old story. “We must go in to protect our fellow Russians”, even though there was no evidence of harm to them. Where will this end? Will anyone care if all of Ukraine is annexed? What about Moldova? The Baltic States? Poland? Hungary? Eastern Germany? And the list of former Soviet satellites goes on.

My point is not that we should ship 100,000 troops (or any troops) into Ukraine. But when our leadership says Russia is acting out of weakness, or that Putin is acting like a 19th Century leader for whom there is no place among enlightened 21st Century leaders, the specter of their naiveté gives me a sick feeling in my gut. The world is a nasty place. Putin, Kim Jung Un, Mugabe, Khameini, Assad, and Bashir are all 21st Century leaders. You and I can go to Starbucks and have a latte, or sit back and write books about the future, but we cannot allow ourselves to be led by those who do not understand the dangers of the world around us. Let us not be blinded by our disinterest anymore. Martin Niemoeller famously said:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out– Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out– Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out– Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me–and there was no one left to speak for me.

An interesting experience

photo-1I saw my books on the shelf at a local bookstore yesterday, and I have to say it was a unique experience. There they sat on the next to bottom shelf, and I wondered how anyone would ever find them among all the other works. I don’t have the name recognition of a major bestselling author (yet). I guess that is the real challenge in the business. But they are there, and I guess I should be happy enough with that.

Two shelves over they had the books for teens, and that area was mobbed with kids looking for something to read and chatting with their friends. Perhaps I need to consider that genre?

The Accord– The NSA on Steroids

Imagine another world where the people lived in abject terror of imminent invasion. And the population of Skee Lotho had good reason to be paranoid. They are descendants of the Nan culture in the Society of Humanity (first seen in The Hive, Dave Brewster Series, book 3), where their race was relegated to indentured servitude to the other fifty races of man. When the Society began to immigrate to our galaxy, some Nan managed to escape and find new homes, including this planet in the Small Magellanic Cloud. Although thousands of generations have come and gone since then, the people of Skee Lotho still carry their dread of the Society in their hearts and souls.

Eventually their technology improved until they were able to develop a satellite defense system. They also developed advanced robotics and decided the best way to insure their safety was to use a human brain (voluntarily of course) as the computer to operate the satellites. Just as our own NSA saw the Internet and just had to take every advantage, the cyborgs also grew in power, their brains freed of the tiny confines of a skull. As each person sacrificed their body for a robotic one, he or she began to loose a tiny bit of what it means to be human, no longer subject to the weakness of anatomy or aging.

Fast forward many more generations and you will find The Accord, a vast society of machines controlling the Magellanic Clouds from their massive constructed planetoids. The elders of The Accord run their planetoids and host millions of younger Friends, who are eager for larger robotic forms to let their brains expand. In order to protect the Nan, the people were herded on board for safekeeping. The least those travelers could do for this protection is help the robots manage the stations, right? As the years continued to pass, The Accord changed. Confident of their superiority to their cargo, they began to enslave the workers and ultimately relegated them to hard labor. And when a person could work no more, the machines would consume them to feed their giant brains.

This is the situation that Dave Brewster must face in The Accord, Book 5 of the Dave Brewster science fiction series, coming very soon in paperback and e-book. I will do a giveaway on Goodreads and Story Cartel, as well as offering introductory pricing. Please look for it, or check out all my works on www.karljmorgan.com. Join the Adventure!

The Essence of My Writing (So Far)

Remembrances-webIt was quite a revelation when it struck me. Subconsciously, all of my novels have the same theme. The protagonist is just an ordinary person who suddenly finds his circumstance turned totally upside-down, and is thrust into unusual situations that involve incredible danger and evil. Perhaps that is the grist of many book and movie themes, but frankly, I had not recognized the consistency of it in my works until a couple of days ago. It began with my first book, Remembrances, which is not a novel at all. That book was written to help others realize that we are all interconnected spiritually and that the events in our lives are the results of our choices. It also focused heavily on the Will of God (I use the term Tao quite a bit), which is the current in the flow of spirituality, leading us where we need to be. If we go with it, good but at times uncomfortable things will happen to us. If we resist, we will be pummeled by the force of it.

In the sci-fi series, The Dave Brewster Series, an out-of-work accountant finds himself recruited to travel into the future to help mankind expand into the stars. In each book of the series, Dave encounters new and more dangerous forces out there, and must rely on his friends and dumb luck to keep himself alive and the galaxy from destruction. That is, he is led where he needs to be and is successful because he allows himself to be led.

In the fantasy series, The Heartstone Series, a major earthquake unleashes unearthly forces on Bill Marshall’s sheep ranch. He must find the cause of the invasion and stop the bad guys before they destroy Earth or enslave everyone. Once again, a rapid series of events leads him down a path that can ultimately save his family and our planet. He learns to go with the flow of events and ultimately succeeds, although he faces overwhelming challenges.

The series I am working on now is tentatively entitled The Modern Prophet Series. To date, each book is not directly related to the others; they stand on their own. But in each, the hero begins as a normal enough person, but begins to have premonitions or new unusual powers that get the attention of good and evil forces that want to bend those talents to their own bidding. The protagonist must make many choices which could turn out very badly for him and everyone else.

So, what does all of that mean? I suppose it means I have a real need to express how each of us has great talents that we can use to help all of mankind. We may not have a fleet of starships like Dave or the ultimate power in the universe like Bill, but still we can make a difference. That must be why I write this way. I am surprised I did not notice this before. Join the Adventure!