Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Spirituality

Writing these stories has given me a unique opportunity to look at the role faith plays in our lives. Since my books look at life on Earth as well as other planets, many of which have highly advanced alien societies, I’m left to imagine what their religions and beliefs would be. Our little planet has been home to many great people whose beliefs gave rise to the world’s religions. I suppose it is possible those same souls appeared on other planets, probably in native bodies. Gallicean prophets would be featherless bird-like creatures living on ice islands floating over gas giant planets. Maklan saints would be crystalline spiders who can teleport themselves across space.

Alternatively, the founders of religions on those planets could be new and radically different. The one thing that binds them all together is their belief in something greater than themselves. Faith is an important part of my life and I was not about to leave it out of my writing. I want my heroes to be men and women of honor, integrity and faith, although the specifics of what they believe are deliberately left out. The goal is to demonstrate how their belief systems help them to overcome incredible odds to defeat evil and save their friends.

To be sure, my books are about adventure without the boundaries of our current scientific knowledge or the vastness of space. While there is some debate in the Dave Brewster Series about the line between physical and spiritual reality, that is never the focus of the plot. I view the inclusion of spirituality as just another way to show the similarities among people and other civilizations who live throughout this amazing universe.

Sample Chapters


The link above will download a copy of Chapter 5 of Heartstone: Sentinels of Far Sun. This is the chapter where our hero, Bill Marshall, first discovers what a Heartstone is. Please let me know what you think. If it sounds interesting, you can purchase the paperback on this website, or the paperback or e-book on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.


This link downloads Chapter 40 of Tears of Gallia, the 4th book in the Dave Brewster Series. This chapter deals with a Brotherhood attack on the Gallicean system, and the abduction of our hero. As above, please let me know what you think. Tears official publication date is June 1, so look for it soon. Both editions are already on Amazon today.

Local Author Meet & Greet

On June 1, 2013, I will have the honor to attend the Local Author Meet and Greet at the Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore at 7051 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard in San Diego. I will be joining a select group of great authors of Sci-Fi and Fantasy books to present our efforts to the local community. I am thrilled with the opportunity to showcase my books in such a wonderful place. I hope you will join us for this special event between 3pm and 5pm on Saturday, June 1.

There will be special pricing and I will be very happy to discuss my books and autograph any copies you may wish to purchase. I look forward to meeting as many current and potential new fans as possible.

I will present the first four books of the Dave Brewster Series and book one of the Heartstone Series. Copies of book four might be late (Tears of Gallia?), but I will happily send Tears of Gallia to those anxious to see what happens to Dave Brewster next.

If you have any questions or comments about this event, please review the bookstore’s website at or call them at 858-268-4747.

I look forward to seeing you there.


Website Update

Dear readers,

I have spent some time updating my site. Each book deserves to have its own page. Now when you click on either the Dave Brewster Series or Heartstone Series links, you will find a page showing the covers and titles of each. Clicking on them will take you to a more detailed description and some of my thinking behind each work.

I encourage you to post on any page with your comments about my books or any other ideas you might have. I appreciate all feedback and will try to answer all your questions promptly.

Thanks again for reading my works.

Tears of Gallia is Published!

Tears-ebookcover (2)Book 4 of the Dave Brewster Series has been published and is ready for sale.

Tears of Gallia is a very complex novel featuring the risks of time travel and the persistence of the enemies Dave Brewster has faced in the earlier novels. It peers into the soul of his best friend, General Fa-a-Di of Greater Gallia. The back cover reads:

Following his success at the Grand Conclave on Earth Prime, Dave Brewster and his friends set out to expand the Free Society. However, all is not well in the galaxy. A Maklakar battle station is headed toward Earth. Mysterious ripples in space-time are confounding the Temporal Command. Agents from Predax and the Brotherhood are recruiting other planets to join their crusade against the Free Society.

Setting aside those challenges to help his Gallicean friends, Dave follows them on the Sojourn, an ancient ritual to remember the atrocities of the past. On the two planets in the Gallicea system, Dave learns of the past but also discovers the truth is often visible only to those willing to see.

Tears of Gallia is a story of friendship, faith, and perseverance. Will Dave be able to stop the Brotherhood from starting a galactic war? Can he survive a madman’s attempts to kill him or strand him in the ancient past?

Time Travel into the Past

My next books deal with traveling backward in time. In both, the antagonist is desperate for revenge against our heroes who stopped them from fulfilling their evil schemes.

Book 4 of the Dave Brewster Series is called Tears of Gallia. The villain travels to the future to strand Dave on a remote planet in the distant past. But that is just the backup plan. Then he travels into the past to kill Dave when he was an out-of-work accountant, long before he ventured into the stars.

Book 2 of the Heartstone Series is called The Time Walker (a little obvious I admit). In this book, the bad guys are willing to change the history of the world to make sure Bill Marshall cannot complete the journey that defeated them in Book 1, Sentinels of Far Sun.

I am keenly interested in cosmology and quantum mechanics. It seems every time we learn a steadfast rule, someone proves it wrong. Can we travel to the past, or do the laws of Nature or God keep that from happening? Just today, I learned of 2 new studies that question whether the speed of light is really constant. I can’t imagine how much our view of reality will change if light turns out to have an accelerator and brake pedal.

Heartstone E-books Uploaded

Dear readers,

The e-book for Heartstone: Sentinels of Far Sun has been uploaded to both and If your Kindle or Nook is hungry, please check them out. It takes a bit for those sites to approve what I sent, but they should be for sale tomorrow or Monday at the latest.

As always, I appreciate your reviews of my works, as well as any ideas for new stories or improvements. E-mail me at Thanks again.

Heartstone: Sentinels of Far Sun is now available.

Heartstone-ebookcover (2)I was not kidding when I said my new book would be out soon. My first fantasy novel is now listed on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Now I will focus on converting it to an e-book for you Kindle and Nook fans. I will make another post when those are finished.

From the back cover:

Although earthquakes are common in Southern California, the tremors that woke Bill Marshall from a sound sleep were different.  Hordes of unworldly monsters invade his home desperate to kill him and his family. Miraculously, Sentinel Lance Allright arrives in time to stop the attack.

The Earth Heartstone has been broken. To prevent further incursions, Bill and Lance must step through the stone and discover why these events are happening. They travel to an ancient world and face the same attackers seeking revenge against the most vile and powerful Beings in the universe. But why attack Goola and Earth?

Heartstone: Sentinels of Far Sun is a journey of discovery, which will forever change Bill Marshall’s view of life and the universe.  While unspeakable evil may wait around each corner, the power of good and the stones lies within each of us.

Coming Soon…

Heartstone-ebookcover (2)Heartstone: Sentinels of Far Sun is ready for print!

I’m very excited that my first fantasy novel is finally ready to go. It tells the story of Bill Marshall, a rancher in rural San Diego Country whose property is overrun by horrific monsters after a large earthquake. While trying to save his family and his livelihood, Bill embarks on an incredible voyage to other worlds which also face the same and even greater threats.

His life will never be the same once he steps through the Heartstone. The adventure is just beginning. I am already working on the sequel.

If anyone is interested in reading a free chapter, just send me an e-mail to and I will send a PDF to you. As always, your interest in my work is very much appreciated.