The cover for my first sci-fi book is complete. The book will be in print soon. We are also completing the e-book version in the coming days, so you will probably be able to get a Kindle version before the print version is out.
Remembrances is available on
I saw my book on today. This is another great day for me.
Remembrances is in print!
Today I received the twenty copies of my first book. I just mailed the obligatory copy to the Library of Congress. I’ll be checking around to find other sites that have it for sale. It may take a while before the big retailers have it in their catalog. I’ll also be working on setting up a storefront on this site so you can purchase Remembrances or any others here.
Remembrances is out!
My first book, Remembrances, is now at the printer. I’ve ordered a few copies which I will either give away or sell, once I am set up for that on this site. It should also be available at booksellers like Amazon and B+N, and through my publisher Sacred Life ( I hope you read and enjoy it.
Showdown over Neptune
I met with my publisher and graphic artist yesterday to look at the cover design for my second book. It’s going to be awesome. Showdown over Neptune is a science fiction book that should be ready for print in the next few weeks. Please keep an eye open for it.
Remembrances Book Cover
Here is the cover for my first book, which should be available very soon. This book is a spiritual self-help work. My intention in writing it was to show us how connected we are to each other, and that this world is not as cold and cruel as we might believe.
Welcome to my blog.
It is a real pleasure for me to keep you informed about my upcoming book releases. I hope you will enjoy reading them as much as I have loved writing.