Wow! Today is the Last Day of the Blogging Challenge.
Frankly, I cannot believe that I made it to the end of the 2023 #RRBC 30-Day Blogging Challenge. I confess that each day I began with the same question: What the heck am I going to write about today? We have been asked to share our thoughts on this experience, so here goes:
Thinking back on my words, I am most surprised that I shared so much about my younger days. For some reason, it just came out of my mind and onto the screen. I do not regret any of it, although it was very different from my typical interpersonal behavior. Much of what I shared has rarely been told to anyone before (perhaps with Aida, but that is it). I suppose my reliance on faith has been made pretty obvious these thirty days as well. Perhaps, I was urged from above to let it out, and therefore my choice to share so much is a good thing. All of us have been wounded in our lives, and the psychological scars are deeper than the physical ones. I have had a few surgeries and a broken arm. I have no fear or animus about those incidents. The mental wounds to my mind and heart remained hidden. The wounds continued to bleed. I now see my posts as remedies for those injuries. Once spoken, their power to keep injuring me decreases a bit.
Some of my posts were more whimsical, like the last one about music and my thoughts on comedy. What I said was true for me, but it does not expose any deeper thoughts or troubles. My desire for quiet or music just changed. My taste in comedy has not. I still watch old Monty Python programs. I will scroll through Netflix looking for older comedies. In my opinion, they were the best! That reminds me. I need to watch Back To School and Spaceballs again soon. Any Rodney Dangerfield or Mel Brooks movie is worth the time. Incidentally, when I wrote about my LP and CD collections, I should have mentioned that I also have a large selection of DVD movies. Mental note: I have to check them out today.
We are all complicated people. We are living separate lives doing lots of different things, and yet, today we are all authors and proud to be members of the Rave Reviews Book Club. Our greatness comes from our differences and similarities. It is amazing how often that happens in our lives. In each job I held, I met new people and did interesting things, even creating lifelong friendships along the way. Never forget that life is an adventure. It may not always be happy and amazing, but we still grow, learn, and meet new people. In the end, our ability to share and especially to care for one another matters most.
We were also asked if we would continue blogging. My answer is yes, but probably not everyday. I do not know who will read my words, but as I said before, I write for myself and for God. I let Him handle the rest. Finally, we were asked if this experience improved our writing. I do not know that answer. I have been writing (for work and my stories) a really long time. I always had bosses review my written projects and make revisions. I now have an editor who does the same for my books. While these thirty days may not have changed my writing style, they certainly changed me. I have always been a closed book to most people. My past was my past. That has now changed completely. I do not know if any of those experiences will find their way into print. In the case of my earliest memories, many are buried, turning a story into a few scattered flashes.
So many of you have written kind comments about my posts. I have appreciated and responded to them all. I have also tried to return the favor for many of you. My hope is that we remain friends, fellow authors, and enjoy this life to the fullest. All the best to each and every one of you. Today is a new beginning, and I hope you make the most of every moment. We are all truly blessed.