It’s time to hear from another amazing Rave Reviews Book Club author, Miriam Hurdle. Just sit back and enjoy her poetry.
“Songs of Heartstrings” Blog Tour
Day 1
From the Author
This is Day 1 of “Songs of Heartstrings” Blog Tour. I want to thank 4WillsPublishing for setting up the tour and my host to have me here.
This poetry collection includes nine themes: Songs of Nature, Songs of Dissonance, Songs of Physical Healing, Songs of Marriage, Songs of Parenthood, Songs of Tribute, Songs of Reflections, Songs of Challenge, and Songs of Inspiration. Each of these themes covers various aspects of my life experience. Many poems are illustrated with my photos and watercolor paintings.
Songs of Heartstrings received a 5-Star review from Readers’ Favorite:
Other book reviews are available on Amazon:
The introduction:
Songs of Heartstrings is a poetic memoir. It comprises nine
Songs of
Nature – Lessons learned from
observing the surviving power in nature.
Songs of
Dissonance – Survival of ten years in
the agonizing, painful, helplessness and distressful relationship.
Songs of
Physical Healing – Experience in an
invasive melanoma cancer, the faith and hope along the process of aggressive
chemotherapy and treatments.
Songs of Marriage – The giving and receiving of love in a mutual
respect and committed marriage.
Songs of
Parenthood -The reflection of having
a premature baby, the joy and fulfillment of parenthood.
Songs of
Tribute -Remembrance of parents’
tender love for each other, and a true friend’s untimely death.
Songs of
Reflection -Thoughts on the daily
walks, value of life and the power of music.
Songs of
Challenge -Poems written in response
to Colleen’s Poetry Challenge.
Songs of
Inspiration -Insight on the finite
human being and gratitude toward the Maker.
Highlighted poems from Songs of Nature: Echo of the Earth and Cocoon – Butterfly
On May 18, 1980, Mt. St. Helens in the Washington State, U.S.A was erupted. It was a major eruption among the 48 states since 1915. The ash drifted over many states and could be seen as far as Chicago. The evacuation was announced before the eruption. Mr. Harry Truman, the caretaker of a resort lodge refused to be evacuated. He preferred to die with the mountain, so he, along with five residents, died with the mountain.
I was in Seattle when Mt. St. Helens wad erupted. It was my desire to hike Mt. St. Helens and see what it was like years after the eruption. My family and I went back to visit on September 10, 2016. The mud and debris still filled the river. The bottom of the mountain had some signs of growth. I was amazed to see the life after such a devastation.

Let me embrace the stillness as
the ocean reflects the light in the night.
Endure the suffering as
stones engraved with carvings.
Remember kindness as
the dried field once flooded with rain.
Forgive the self as melted snow
and drained.
Die to the desire as
leaves withered and returned to the earth.
Open to a new life as
seeds rise in spring search.
Be content with the humility as
blossoms unfold the new beginning.
Acknowledge the limitation as
ants crawl on the ground feeding.
Take courage in independence like
trees stand alone.
Treasure the caring as
mothers secure and protect their own.
Be grateful for the freedom as
the eagle soars high in the sky.
Echo to the life miles
beneath the earth and bottom of the sea!

Sad and lonely,
Hurt and discouraged,
Lost with emptiness,
Trapped in anguish.
Where are you, Lord?
I’m everywhere, I’m here with you.
Help me, Lord.
I’m all powerful. Here’s my help.
It’s so dark. I can’t see.
Here’s my hand. Follow my lead.
I can’t move. I’m weak.
I’m almighty. I can carry you.
I feel something…
I know.
I see a dim light.
I’m coming out.
That’s right.
I’m different. It’s a transformation.
I see.
I’m beautiful.
I made you!
Miriam Hurdle is a
multi-genre writer. She writes poetry, flash fiction, and short stories and
memoir. Her poems are included in Letters to Gaia, Whispers and Echoes Issue 2,
Whispers and Echoes Issue 3, and Outcast and More Words.
She is passionate about poetry and her favorite
poets are Robert Frost with his poems “The Road Not Taken,” and Linda Pastan
with her poem “To a Daughter Leaving Home.”
She is a member of, and her poetry may be read on the websites.
Music has rooted in her life. Being a soloist as
a teenager led her to taking voice lessons and to have ongoing singing
engagements. She continues to sing soprano in choral groups. Lyrics have a
major influence in the natural flow of her melodic writing. She writes memoir
in the form of poetry.
Along with her brother, she took photos when the
films were black and white. Photography is still her enjoyable hobby. Drawing
and painting were fun activities as a child. Her favorite was to draw a
Japanese girl with big eyes, long hair, small lips and chin. She resumed
drawing and watercolor painting several years ago. In her poetry collection,
photos and paintings are included to illustrate the poems.
She earned a Doctorate of Education from the
University of La Verne in California. After two years of rehabilitation
counseling, fifteen years of public-school teaching and ten years in school
district administration, she retired and enjoys life with her husband in
southern California.
Links to Purchase the Book:
Amazon Universal Link:
Amazon UK Link: Link:
Contact the Author:
Amazon Author Page:
To follow along with the rest of the tour, please visit the author’s tour page on the 4WillsPublishing site. If you’d like to book your own blog tour and have your book promoted in similar grand fashion, please click HERE.
Lastly, Miriam is a member of the best book club ever – RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB {#RRBC}! If you’re looking for amazing support as an author, or if you simply love books, JOIN US! We’d love to have you!
Thanks for supporting this author and her work!
Congratulations on day 1 of your tour, Miriam. Your poetry examples were both intensely moving. I look forward to learning more about you varied works. Thanks for hosting, Miriam today, Karl.
Thank you Zoooz for stopping by and I’m glad you like the poetry examples.
Beautiful poems Miriam. I love the artwork that adds another layer to it. I’m looking forward to your tour and reading more about it. Thanks for hosting Karl:)
It’s good to see you here, D.L. Thank you so much.for liking my artwork and poems. I look forward to my tour also. <3
Yes, Karl for hosting my tour! You have a great presentation of your blog.
You are quite welcome, Miriam. Believe it or not, I wrote a lot of poetry when I was in high school. That was a long time ago! Enjoy your blog tour! #RRBC
It’s time to revive your poetry and share, Karl. Thank you for hosting. 🙂
What a lovely introduction to your poetry, Miriam. Beautifully concise, deeply emotional. Lovely.
Thank you so much, Guy for your kind comment! I’ll visit your blog tour.
Hi Miram. Yes, I remember the eruption of Mt. St. Helen. It was all over the news so it still seem far away from me. Its nice getting to know you and have a wonderful tour.
Congratulations Miriam. Wishing you a wonderful tour. Thanks to Karl for supporting poetry.
Poetry of Nature is my favorite theme in this book. My review is already there at Amazon and Goodreads, also at my blog (review page.)
My special thanks to everyone who stopped by to read Miriam’s poetry. Wishing you all the best.
I’ve just purchased Songs of Heartstrings. I look forward to reading this book.
Thanks for supporting and hosting, Karl.
Hi Miriam. The poetry is lovely.I remember when Mr. Helena erupted. I followed it in Chicago. How sad that was. Reminds me of Dante’s Peak. Can’t wait to see your book.
Hi, Mirriam, first of all, good to know you! I hope you have had a great tour so far. I will try to catch up with the rest of your stops. Thank you, Karl, for hosting.
Thank you, Joy. Great to see you here!