It’s a real honor for me to have a support yet another amazing #RRBC author on my blog today. Pardon the pun, but it is a joy to welcome Joy Nwosu Lo-Bamijoko to the site.
Welcome to the Vagaries of Life Blog Tour @Jinlobify#4WillsPub #RRBC
My latest book, which is a collection of short stories, was put together to meet the challenge of
The #RRBC 90-Day Alpha / Omega (Beginning to End) ‘Short Story’ Writing Contest! #RWISA. That was the incentive. I did not make the contest, but my book was published several months later. I have nine short stories, altogether in this collection.
My tour will last ten days. Ten days is a very long time to be on a tour, and I know how hard and even boring it could be to visit all the stops. To spice things up, I will feature, randomly, short snippets of a story from my tour book each day. On the tenth day, I will uncover the titles of the stories from where the snippets are taken. The challenge, this time, will be for you to match the snippets to their titles.
The Rules:
I will choose only three winners from the correct matches. The winner with nine correct matches will be gifted with a $15 Amazon gift card and an eBook copy of your choice from any of my books. The second with eight correct matches will be gifted with a $10 Amazon gift card and an eBook copy of your choice from my books. The third winner with seven correct matches will be with gifted a $5. Amazon gift card and an eBook copy of your choice from my books.
Now the catch! If you follow the tour and read the snippets, I would hope that you would buy and read the complete stories and leave a review of the book after the tour.
This tour will be supported by another of my books; Pregnant Future. If you want to read that one too, that will be great. However, the focus will be on Vagaries of Life: And Girls’ Talk. Good reading!
Day 1

{Me} Am being abducted Am new in this town
Don’t know where he is taking me Need help!
A text came back almost instantly. [911] How can we help you?
[Me] I don’t know. I don’t even know where I am or where he is taking me
[911] What is your name?
[Me] Helen
[911] Describe the car
[Me] White, I don’t know the make
[911] Try
[Me] I think it might be a white Mazda
[911] Keep texting; let me see whether I can track
[Me] Thank you
The man taking me is white Middle aged
[911] Can you see any landmarks? [Me] No, it is dark, pitch black. [911] Any trees? Houses?
[Me] No, but I can see light ahead of us. [911] Tell me what else you see
[Me] The man is slowing down I will jump him
I will cause an accident
[911] Don’t do anything silly. Just remain calm. I think we’ve got you. Officers are closing in on you; just keep texting
[Me] Thank you
The man is pulling into a driveway A white house
He has stopped at the back of the house
He is talking on a phone Oh my God
I just heard him say he’s got another one!
[911] Can you stay put in the car?
[Me] I don’t think so
He is coming around to open the door
A lady, middle aged, too, is standing on the porch I don’t like her smile

About the Author
Joy Nwosu Lo-Bamijoko
Joy has written and published extensively on national and international scholarly journals, magazines, and newspapers.
Her first short story I Come from Utopia was published in African Voices, Spring/ Summer, 2007, pg. 18. Since then, she has published numerous others in RAVE SOUP FOR THE WRITER’S SOUL Anthology, Vols. 1 & 2.
Mirror of Our Lives: Voices of Four Igbo Women was published in 2011 and was shortlisted for the Commonwealth Book Contest in 2012. She has also two books published in the Italian language. The First titled: Io Odio, Tu Odi, & Cinema E Africa Nera, are both by Edizione, Tindalo.
The Legend of the Walking Dead: Igbo Mythologies, is a journey into the mysteries of life and death of the Igbos of Nigeria was published in 2014
In Pregnant Future: No One Knows What Tomorrow Will Bring, her latest Novel, Justina is the story of every young woman who found herself alone in the world to fend for herself. It is the story of the pitfalls that await such a woman. It is the story of survival
Her latest book, A collection of Short Stories, titled: Vagaries of Life: And Girls’ Talk was published in December, 2018.

Pregnant Future – Blurb
Justina was a fighter. And, although it seemed the world was against her and her future was destined for failure …she persevered in the face of it all.
The future that was being thrown in her face, was not the one she had dreams of …and if she wanted to get her feet on the right path, she was going to have to show the world her strength. But, does she?
Will she have the will to make it to the end, unscarred?
What would you do if you knew what the future had in store for you?
Would you run towards it with open arms, or would you run away and never look back?
Justina must make a choice …before life chooses for her.
Links to my Social Network:
To follow along with the rest of the tour, please visit the author’s tour page on the 4WillsPublishing site. If you’d like to book your own blog tour and have your book promoted in similar grand fashion, please click HERE.
Lastly, Joy is a member of the best book club ever – RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB {#RRBC}! If you’re looking for amazing support as an author, or if you simply love books, JOIN US! We’d love to have you!
Thanks for supporting this author and her work!
I hope you enjoy your tour, Joy!
Thank you, so much, Karl, for having me on your blog today. I look forward to my tour. Thank you, for the support!
Well, that was intense. Not what I expected from you, Joy. Lol I am looking forward to the rest of the tour and to reading your book.
Karl, thank you so much for hosting today. It was a pleasure to stop by your blog.
Ha, ha, Rhani, I wanted to have fun with this tour. What else is there to say? I have had many tours and this time I wanted something different. Thank you, for stopping by and commenting.
What a great idea to match the excerpts to the titles, Joy! This one was chilling. I’m adding your book to my kindle. I must know what happens next.
Hi, D.L., that was the whole idea! I have toured with all my books, so, there’s really not much left to be said. I decided to play a game this time. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you, for stopping by and commenting, and thank you for the support.
I am enjoying it Joy:)
This tour is going to be interesting as well as competitive! What fun! Wishing you great success Joy.
Good to know you, Balroop, and thank you for stopping by and commenting! I hope you will enjoy the tour.
My thanks to everyone who stopped by, and especially with Joy for sharing her works with the rest of us.#RRBC
Hello, Joy! Your latest book sounds like a very immersive read. Thanks for hosting, Karl!
Hi, Guy, “immersive” is a great way to describe my book! 😀 Thank you, for stopping by.
Hello, Joy! I am so pleased to see you out here on tour! I have purchased this collection of short stories. It is on my Kindle and has been added to my TBR list. Best wishes to you.
Thanks for hosting, Karl!
Thank you, Beem, for the support! I look forward to reading your thoughts about it. Thank you, for stopping by.
Hi Joy, your snippet has really caused my antennas to go up. Now I have to buy the book. Good job and have a wonderful tour. Thanks Karl for hosting.
Thank you, Shirley, for stopping by. Sure, that was the purpose of the snippets, to whet your appetite! 😀
That snippet is a real cliff-hanger, Joy. Now I definitely have to get the book! Thanks for hosting, Karl.
That’s the whole idea. Ron, to whet your appetite! 😀 Thank you, for stopping by.